classroom rules
classroom expectations
Lunch rules
gym rules

When is it okay to put your hands or feet on someone else? 

NEVER! Respecting personal space is very important and should always be considered. If you have permission from the other person, High fives are okay. 


What should you do if you really need to get out the classroom? 

Raise your hand and ask to go for a walk or a self. A self should not exceed 5 minutes. 


What should you do if you want to play on a computer during lunch? 

Make sure you ask your teacher before getting a computer for lunch. If you know you've had a good day with no timeouts, then the answer is most likely yes. 


What noise level should everyone have at the gym. 

While at the gym, you should still be using an inside voice. Screaming will not be tolerated.  


What was the first toy to be advertised on television?

Mr. Potato Head 


What should we do if your teacher is talking to you or the class? 

Listen when your being spoken to. Being quiet when someone is speaking to you shows them respect. 


What should you do if you're getting frustrated with your work? 

Raise your hand and wait for your teacher to come and help you. If you make a mistake, it's okay! mistakes are a part of the learning process. 

Are you allowed to have a second lunch? 

The answer is most likely no. However, you can still ask Ms. Haley if there are extras. 


Is horse play okay at the gym? 

Make sure you're being considerate and don't play rough. 


Which breakfast cereal is advertised with the slogan “Snap, crackle and pop”?

Rice Krispies


Should you be talking when another student is sharing with the class? 

No! Show respect and be quiet when a student is sharing. It's important to treat people the way you want to be treated. 


How should your desk and the classroom look before you leave to go home? 

The desk needs to be cleaned off before you leave. The computers need to be put away and plugged in. And no trash on the floor. 


What should you do if you want to play on the smart board during lunch? 

Raise your hand and ask your teacher if its okay. If she says yes, make sure you put on a school appropriate video. 


What should you do when your teacher says gym is over? 

Make sure you clean up all the gym equipment and line up by the door. 


How many colors are in the rainbow 

7 (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)


Is it okay to curse in class? why or why not? 

Using curse words is NEVER okay in school. If someone is caught cussing, they will lose points or even level drop. 


What levels do you have to be on in order to go to case store or participate in fun Friday. 

In order to participate in case store and fun Friday, you must be on level 3 or 4. However, if you're on level 2 you have the option to buy out of study hall on Friday. This is available only after completing 30 minutes of work. 


What noise level should we be using during lunch.

We are eating lunch inside the building so you must be using an inside voice. 


Is it okay to sit down the whole-time during gym? 

Gym is a grade and your graded on participation. So, if you're not doing anything, you get a zero for gym that day? 


What type of fish was Nemo? 

Nemo was a clownfish. 


What should be the first thing you do once you arrive to class in the morning? 

Sit down at your desk and start on your morning journal. Please be quiet and wait for everyone to finish before you start talking. If you talk, it may be distracting to the other students if you're talking. 


What happens to your case points at the end of the month? 

The last day of the month is the last day to spend your points. Your case balance will reset at the beginning of the month. 


When lunch is ending, what should we be doing? 

CLEAN UP! we do not want ants in our room so make sure all the trash goes in the trash can and if you spill something let your teachers know. 


Name some different activities to play during gym.

1)Run   2) walk   3) Basketball   4) Soccer 

5) Football   6) Dodge ball   7) tag

Answers will vary....  


What are the Olympic medals made from?

Gold, silver & bronze