tobacco and nicotine
laws and consequences
addiction and the brain

What BAC stands for.

What is blood alcohol content


Which is more dangerous: smoke inhaled by the smoker, or secondhand smoke?

What is Secondhand smoke: this smoke is not filtered and has higher concentrations of harmful chemicals.


You cannot use e-cigarettes in a car or truck with a person who is under ____ years of age.

What is 16


What is the difference between presciption drugs and OTC drugs?

1. An OTC is a drug that people can buy without a physician's prescription 

2. A prescription drug is medication that can only be obstained with a written order from a physician.


This term refers to when a person returns to using drugs or alcohol after a period of sobriety.

What is relapse


Alcohol interferes with ____. 

What is judgement, coordination, and other basic functions. (any of these is acceptable)


Tobacco smoke contains this toxic gas.

What is Carbon Monoxide


It is against the law in all 50 states to sell cigarettes to anyone under the age of ____. 

18 years old.


What are the four ways in which drugs enter the body?

By mouth/ingesting, by injection, by inhalation, and by absorption


Fill in the blanks:
Addiction is a chronic brain disease that changes both brain _____ and brain _____.

What is structure and function

acceptable synonyms include:
"structure, composition, anatomy, etc" 

"function, ability, performance, etc" 


Alcohol is a member of this group of drugs.

What are depressants

Is nicotine a depressant, stimulant, narcotic or hallucinogen?



Name two potential legal consequences for a teenager caught with alcohol or drugs

Potential answers: 

Community service, paying a fine, placement on probation, losing drivers license, appearing in court


Three drugs used most widely by people in the US.

What is nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol


This neurotransmitter is closely linked to the mind's reward system and is commonly associated with pleasure and reinforcement.

What is dopamine


Time it takes for alcohol to enter the bloodstream.

What is 5-10 mins


This chemical is contained in E-cigarettes, along with in glues, paints, and pesticides. 

What is formaldehyde? 


The legal BAC limit in North Carolina.

What is 0.08%


What are two types of drug dependence?

Physical dependence - a tolerance for a drug or shows withdrawl symptoms without it 

Psychological/mental dependence - a strong emotional desire to continue using a drug.


These hormones often referred to as the "feel-good" hormones, are released during activities that promote well-being, like exercise, laughter, creative expression, and socialization.

What are endorphins


Name at least 3 long term affects of alcohol on the body and mind.

Potential answers:

cancer, affects parts of the brain and nervous system, cardiovascular disease, neurological damage, psychiatric problems (anxiety, depression)


The rate of smoking-related deaths (#/day) per the CDC

What is 1300 people per day


A national act that classifies drugs into categories based on factors such as the substance's medical use, potential for abuse, and safety or dependence liability.

What is the Controlled Substances Act (CSA)


Name at least 3 factors that determine the effects a drug might have on the mind and body.

Potential answers:

The way the drug enters the body, dosage, weight/age, health status, emotional/mental state, multiple drugs at the same time


The steps of addiction (5 total) 

What is initial use, abuse, tolerance, dependence, and addiction