A proctor's gotta do what a proctor's gotta do...
Sooo...what if...
When in DataManager...
Mr. Bell's Ice Breaker
(In Da Classroom)

Can 8th graders use scientific calculators if their IEP states they must have a calculator for testing? 

No. They can only use 4-function calculators. 

**Slide 25 of the Training Deck. 


Shemaar has to use the bathroom really bad during testing. Should the proctor pause his test while he takes a poo? 


Pauses can only be for emergencies, such as: 

illness/nurse visits

DLs with additional breaks

Unexpected test interruptions

**Slide 20 of the Training Deck. 


It's testing day, and Mr. Akinlusi informs students that he will provide the session code momentarily once he creates the session for the class. 

Can this happen? 


Proctors don't create test sessions, only the testing coordinator creates the sessions. 

Proctors DO/WILL provide session codes for students.


What platform do students take the HSAT on?


**Slide 16 of the Training Deck. 


A student is set to test in room 210 (Ms. Childs' office). 

Can this happen?


Rooms need a whiteboard and working clock (or a whiteboard at least). 

**Slide 14 of the Training Deck. 


What numbers are entered for extended time: 

Reading: #

Written Expression: #

Mathematics: #

Vocabulary: #

Reading: 20

Written Expression: 20

Mathematics: 20

Vocabulary: 8

**Slides 26 and 27 of the Training Deck. 


Creating a secure and supportive testing environment...

Engaging in Active Proctoring...

Reporting any test integrity concerns...

Are all considered what? 

Responsibilities of a Proctor

**Slides 11 and 12 (Highlighted)


A CPS representative walks into a room where Ms. Isom is behind a laptop informing students that she will be moving them to the next session/subtest. 

Can this happen? Why or why not?


Paraprofessionals can only serve as secondary proctors. 

**Slide 8 of the Training Deck. 


When should the proctor cancel a test? 


Proctors should never cancel a test. Pause or Exit ONLY. 

**Slide 20 of the Training Deck. 


In 223, a Gen Ed testing room, Conway's tables are still in groups. 

Is this room good to go?


Tables can be in groups. 

**Slide 14 of the Training Deck. 


True or False:

The Test Coordinator makes sure extended time is added to the test for diverse learners. 


The PROCTOR adds the extended time for students on test day, once the test begins.

**Slides 26 and 27 of the Training Deck. 


Is this list of possible proctors correct: 

Person A - mother of an infant.

Person B - Core teacher. 

Person C - Test Coordinator

Person D - mother of a 10th grader



Person C can't proctor because test coordinators can't proctor. 

Other people who can't proctor are: 

People who get paid to do HSAT/GoCPS coaching.

People with a child who is taking the HSAT or a member of their household taking the HSAT. 

**Slide 9 of the Training Deck. 


35 minutes of the 40 minute time for Reading has passed, and 7 out of 10 students are done and ready for Mathematics. Ms. Williams “continues” the session for the 7 students, and allows the other 3 to finish Reading for the remaining 5 minutes before moving them on. 

Can this happen during testing? Why or why not.


ALL students have to start each session together. 

**Slide 18 of the Training Deck. 


A proctor sees on the DataManager Dashboard that all students are marked as "Waiting for Approval". 

What is the proctor's next step? 

To click "Approve All" 

**Slide 18 of the Training Deck.


A testing room takes place in room 225, Cotton's room, with all posters and anchor charts still up. 

Is this room ready to go?


The only posters that need to be covered are those that are math, vocabulary, writing, and reading related. 

**Slide 14 on the Training Deck. 


What icon indicates extending time for an individual student? 

A clock with a green arrow pointing to the right. 

**Slide 26 of the Training Deck. 


What should the proctor do if Imani and Jayden are caught cheating? 

Complete the Anonymous Fraud Reporting Form &/or General's Confidential Complaint Form. 

**Slide 13 of the Training Deck. 


Students in Mr. Jefferson's General testing room have finished the Written Expression session/subtest. He then moves them on to the Mathematics session by "Continuing All". 

Can this happen? Why or why not.


The only time a proctor needs to provide a new session code is if testing diverse learners who get an extended break between the first 2 subtests and the last 2 subtests. 

**Slides 7 and 19 of the Training Deck. 


There are only 2 situations where a proctor can click "End Testing All." What are they? 

1. When all sessions are done, and the Dashboard says "Completed" for all students (at the end of the vocabulary session). 

2. After the Written Expression session, for DL testing rooms only, when transitioning for a lunch break. 

**Slides 18-19 of the Training Deck.


Students are able to move around during their 5 minute break, keeping all their materials (chromebook, pencil, scratch paper) on the table. 

Is this okay?


Scratch paper must be collected and destroyed if students are going to move around during breaks. 

**Slide 14 of the Training Deck. 


All of the following are allowed accommodations (if stated on an IEP) for Diverse Learners except: 

Using a calculator

Providing extra breaks

Reading answer choices for all sessions

Reading the directions for all sessions

Scribe where applicable and needed

Reading of the entire test for Reading. 

EXCEPT... Reading answer choices for all sessions AND Reading of the entire test for Reading. 

You can ONLY read answer choices for the vocabulary session (if the accommodation states "read entire test), and you ONLY read the entire test for Written and Math sessions.  

**Slide 25 of the Training Deck. 


What does "active proctoring" entail? 

HINT: Think typical duties of a proctor...

Maintaining a quiet environment.

Minimizing disruptions.

Ensuring students are passing notes or communicating with one another during testing. 

And monitor the DataManager Dashboard to see student progress and completion. 


Uh-Oh! Ms. Mitchell gave out the wrong session code. She quickly goes to action to "DENY" students from the session so that she can reset and give them the correct session code. 

Can this happen? 


Mitchell can only "DENY" a student if a student signs in under someone else's name for a session. 

**Slide 18 of the Training Deck.


What is the SHIFT + TAB + Q

This is how the proctor should exit out of all the devices, using the keyboard, once testing is over for the day. 

**Slide 21 of the Training Deck. 


Mr. Dixon has 20 students in his room ready to test. 

Is this okay?  


There can only be 10 students to one proctor. Mr. Dixon will need a secondary proctor for support.