How many Buffalo Public Schools offer CTE programs?
18 total
On Application it is 16 due to not having to put City Honors/ Olmstead down
How many total pages are in the High School Application
3- Hutch Tech, City Honors and Olmstead
Is Buffalo Academy for Visual and Performing Arts a lottery school?
True or False:
You MUST pick 5 schools to apply to?
False- You should have 3 schools for more options to be available
There are two schools that are identical, what two schools are these?
1. Buffalo Culinary of the Arts
2. Emerson
This is the MOST important page of the application
Page 2- Page parent/ guardian fills out and signs
This school does not have an exam, however you have to go and audition. What school is this?
Buffalo Academy for Visual Arts
What two schools offer classes similar to each other that is geared towards health and wellness ( personal training and fitness)
Riverside and South Park
What Sport is offered at ALMOST every school?
Volleyball and Cross Country
CTE stands for what?
Page 3 of the application consist of what?
Evaluation form Core Teachers fill this form out if student is applying to........
If you pass the first step of the application and are asked for an Interview, what school did you apply to?
Middle Early College
These two schools ask if a student applying does not have any allergies to food
Emerson and Buffalo Culinary
True or False-
All CTE Schools are lottery based?
How many schools ask for teacher evaluation form to be completed?
6 Schools
When filling out page 2- what color ink must be used
Blue or Black
These two schools share the same test.
City Honors/ Olmstead
What does Lottery Based Placement Mean?
If a student applying to that school meets all the required criteria their name will go into a " Lottery" where you may be picked or not
True or False
Middle Early is looking for students who have grades below 70
What are the schools that ask for teacher evaluation forms?
1. 192 Preforming Arts
2. 198 MTA- International Preparatory School
3. 212- Leonardo da Vinci
4. 304- Hutchinson Central
5. 305 UTA- McKinley
6. 415- Middle Early
These are the 4 things that the school counselor has to fill out on the 1st page of the application
1. Last year grades
2. This year, first quarter grades
3. Attendance
4. If students played JV or Varsity sports
When testing for Hutch Tech what criteria is used?
1. Entrance exam- 40%
2. Grades- 85% or above
Must have interest in STEM
This School has the most Lottery based placements, what school is it?
South Park- 6 different programs
Date that all applications have to be turned in, by the school counselor?
December 1st