SEMHS Requirements
How to stand out

This is the B category of the a-g, and requires that student partake in reading, writing, and analyzing.

What is English


All _________ must be cleared in order to participate in any senior activities including GRADUATION ceremony, Disneyland and others.

What are detentions and Saturday schools


This exam is also known as the "Scholastic Aptitude Test."

What is SAT


Colleges want to see that students are well round and have participated in various activities.

What is extra curricular activities.


In college you get to choose the courses you want to study and match them to your interest especially when you have declared this.

What is a major


Any extras beyond the required courses of the a-f are in this category.

What is the G College Preparatory Elective


A one semester class that must be passes in order to graduate.

What is Health class.


This test is also know as the "American College Testing"

What is ACT


This essay is only required for Private Universities and UC's. It helps students give admissions advisors a better perspective of who they are.

What is the Personal Statement.


Learn about yourself, explore job families and make financial decisions.

Students need two years of the same subject in order to fulfill the E category.
What is Language other than English (LOTE)

The amount of credits you will need to graduate.

What is 220 credits


The Early Assessment Program requires that all juniors in high school test to determine college readiness.

What is EAP/ CAASSPP, Math and English


Private Universities are the only institutes that require these types of documents that give teachers and or administrators an opportunity to help a student stand out. UC and CSU's do not require these.

What is a letter of recommendation.


Many campuses give students an opportunity to be part of these types of groups. These are know for studying hard but they also party hard!

What is a Sorority or Fraternity

Students need two year of Laboratory Sciences to fulfill the D requirement.
What is Chemistry/Physics and Biology Also Correct: Physical and Biological Science

Here, high school students can take free classes

What is Community College


All Sophomores take the PSAT on October 16th.

What is "Let's Go to College Day"


Its important to toot your own horn when applying to Colleges, in fact, many Universities want to know about your recognition.

What are awards and achievements.


Its pretty cool when your University allows you to travel to a different country and still continue your studies.

What is studying abroad.


Courses in the "A" category that students take in 10th and 11th grade.

What is World History and US History


Classes that give students vocational and job skill training.

What are CTE courses.


These exams can exempt you from having to take further entry level college exams. Especially if you score a 3, 4, or 5!

What is an AP exam (Advanced Placement Exam) and EAP


These are all the criteria that colleges/Universities use to gage how you stand apart from other students who have also applied to their University. Its what they look at as your comprehensive review.

What is a-g courses, g.p.a., SAT or ACT scores, #of Ap or Honors courses, and extracurricular activities/community service.


At the end of your four years of partying, oops I mean studying you get one of these!

What is a Bachelor's degree.