High School Graduation requirements
Schedule Planning
High School Life

When you should begin exploring your career interests.

What is 9th/10th grade (or now 8th grade)


The number of community service hours you need to graduate. 

What is 100?


The 4 Core Classes

What is Math, Science, English, Social Studies?


Who are the people that can help you with your scheduling and graduation requirement questions?

Who are school counselors?


These are student led weekly groups that meet on special interests after school.

What are clubs/extracurriculars?


Granted after 4 years of full-time study at a College or University

What is a Bachelor's degree


Number of Endorsements in the state of Texas you can graduate with

What is 5 endorsements?

The plan you make with your High School counselor in 8th grade to choose 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade classes

What is a 4 year plan


Grade you take your ACT/PSAT/SAT tests

What is 11th grade


Getting a grade of 90-100 is the same as getting a what? (Hint: It's the letter of the alphabet)

What is an A?


All the new jobs that were created after the 2008 Great Recession went to this group.

What is workers that completed/did some college education?


Are there a certain number of credits I need for graduation?

What is 26? (If they say 22 give half points. At Harmony we push for 26 minimum)


Give an example of a High School Elective.

What is Art, Theater, Music, Band, Choir, etc. 


When you should begin working on College Applications

What is 12th grade


Website used to explore careers, do personality tests, and in Highschool is where you will submit college applications. 

What is Schoolinks?


Work that is permanent, passion drive, high paying with many benefits and spans through many employers and jobs.

What is a Career?


Name ONE of the benefits of graduating under Distinguished Level of Achievement.

What is being able to compete for top 10% automatic admissions, being positioned among those first in line for the Texas Grant to help pay for University, preparing you for college level work, ensures you are a competitive applicant, provide immediate opportunity for immediate enrollment in classes for your chosen field of study. 

Number of years you need to take Math, Science, English, and Social Studies

What is 4?

Advanced college-level classes that are the full year and you get college credit only if you successfully pass the end of year test. 

What are AP Classes? 


Double Jeopardy: Three ways that AP and Dual Credit Classes are similar AND their big 3 differences?

(400 points if you answer the first half of the questions, 800 points if you answer the whole thing). 

What is both are advanced level classes, can give you college credit and are on a 5.0 scale. 

In dual credit you get the credit if you pass the class (AP is after you pass a test at the end of the year), you need passing TSI to do Dual Credit, and AP credits are accepted everywhere in the country but not dual credit. 


In 2020, when the educational attainment went up (ex. Going from a Bachelors to a Masters to a PhD), the unemployment rate went (BLANK) and the weekly earnings went (BLANK). 

What is DOWN and UP?


In order for a student to graduate from Harmony Public Schools, the student must fulfill 4 criteria. 

What is credit requirement, passing STAAR scores, college acceptance letter and 100 community service hours?

These classes are measured on a 5.0 scale and are meant to challenge you. (Hint: There are 3)

What are AP, Dual Credit and PLTW Classes?


Required STAAR tests needed to graduate

What is English I, Biology and Algebra STAAR, English II STAAR, and US History STAAR


How many GPA points do you get if you're in AP/DUAL/PLTW and get a 95? How many points do you get if you're in Honors? And how many do you get if you're in a regular class? 

What is 5.0, 4.5, and 4.0?