Assertive skills
Empathy skills
Communication skills
High school coping skills
social skills

A friend sends you a really mean text message. 

What should you do?

What is stating "I don't appreciate you talking to me that way..." 


Your good friend tells they are not feeling well. 

What can you do?

What is asking if there's anything you can do to help? 


You find out your good friend likes rap music but you don't like rap music. 

How should you handle it?

What is asking what your friend likes about it?


What are coping skills you can use when you feel overwhelmed?

What is taking a deep breath, listening to music, talking to a friend about what is overwhelming you 


How can you make new friends in high school?

What is ask what your peers interests are, talk to them during lunch/nutrition, and join a club or sport


Your friend asks you to skip class with them 

What should you do in this situation?

What is tell your friend that you do not want to 


A friend tells you it would be funny if you knock over another student's books.

What should you do?

What is decline to knock over the books because then the other student would have to clean up the mess


You promised your friend that you'd help them study for their history test after school, but you'd rather stay home and watch a movie now.

What should you do?

What is keep your promise and help your friend study then suggest watching a movie after

You find out you are having a surprise assignment in your hardest class, you haven't studied, what can you do?

What is take your time and read all of the questions, and double check your answers. 

You meet new friends and want to hang out with them but they want to go see a horror movie and you can't sleep after watching scary movies, what do you do?

What is decline the offer this time but tell them you want to do another activity sometime.


 your friend has been texting a lot like 20 messages per hour

How might you feel and what might you do?

What is ask your friend to give you space and ask them if they are doing okay


Your friend tells your their family member has died.

How do you respond?

What is asking your friend what you could do to support them 


You disagree with your friends perspective. 

What do you do?

What is respectively disagree

The homework is really hard this year especially reading, you get frustrated because you do not understand it.

What do you do?

What is ask your teacher/co teacher for help and use learned coping skills


What are the benefits of having good social skills?

What is communicate your needs/wants better, make friends, get the help you need

A peer wants you to engage in smoking or drinking with them.

What do you say or do?

What is decline to smoke or drink and offer to participate in something else


Your friend trips and falls in the rain getting mud all over their new shoes

What can you say or do?

What is offer to help get them towels to wipe their shoes and I'm sorry that happened and maybe describe how you can relate 


You sit next to a kid that you have caught stealing erasers out of your locker and tries to copy your work, the teacher never catches them though, what do you do?

Write an incident report in the office, tell the teacher or talk to the student.


A student talks out of turn and yells out answers to questions without raising his hand, he is often loud and makes noises. He is often disruptive, what do you do?

What is tell the student you're not done talking and will they please wait to speak after your turn


Give an example of poor social skills

Not listening when your friend is talking, interrupting your friend, not taking turns for planning activities, calling friend names


Your friend wants you to steal a bag of chips from 7/11 for them

What do you say?

What is decline to steal the bag of chips


Your friend finds out they have to move schools and they're crying out of frustration

What can you say or do 

What is share your frustration about them moving and share how youll miss them 


Someone is throwing paper towels at you in the bathroom, what do you do?

What is tell them to stop and create an incident report


It is two weeks before finals/graduation and you have lost motivation to complete your assignments

What do you do?

What is talk to the teacher and ask to make an arrangement to complete assignments for credit 


What are some social skills to keep in mind when traveling abroad?

Research the country's social etiquette rules, follow them and be respectful of historical sites