Famous Americans
U.S. Government
World History
U.S. History
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Conductor on the Underground Railroad; also served as a spy in the American Civil War
Who is Harriet Tubman
This is the branch of government that interprets the meaning of laws.
What is the judicial branch?
These were the builders of the pyramids and creators of hieroglyphics in North Africa.
Who are the Egyptians?
This was the given to the forced movement of Cherokee Indians from Georgia to Oklahoma.
What is the Trail of Tears?
Freedom of speech, religion, press, petition, and assembly
What is the First Amendment?
A former U.S. President who bought the Louisiana Territory from the French in order to gain control of the Mississippi River.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
This is a type of government that is ruled by a king or a queen.
What is a monarchy?
This was a civilization that began along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers; responsible for creating ziggurat temples to honor the gods.
What is ancient Mesopotamia?
"It's up to you" to name this city which served as the first official capital of the United States.
What is New York City?
Right to a well-regulated militia and the right of the people to bear arms
What is the Second Amendment?
U.S. President who believed that sectional differences over slavery in America threatened to destroy the country, and his major goal was to preserve the Union.
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
The famous introduction to the U.S. Constitution which begins like "We the People of the United States..."
What is the Preamble?
This was Johann Gutenberg's famous invention that helped revolutionize the way people read around the year 1450.
What is the printing press?
The idea that it was the United States' "destiny" to expand and possess the entire continent!
What is Manifest Destiny?
End of slavery in the United States
What is the Thirteenth Amendment?
Leader of the Non-Militant Civil Rights Movement During 1950s and 1960s, who gave a very iconic speech during the March on Washington.
Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?
Used to determine the number of U.S. Representatives from a state.
What is population?
Austria declared war on this "nationalistic" country to start World War I.
What is Serbia?
This is another name for the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution that protect our civil liberties and keep us safe from government abuse.
What is the Bill of Rights?
Protection from double jeopardy, self-incrimination; right to due process
What is the Fifth Amendment?
U.S. President during the Great Depression who created the New Deal in an effort to provide jobs and relief to the poor.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
Maximum number of years a person can be President of the United States, established by the Twenty-Second Amendment
What is ten?
A long "journey" and an act of civil disobedience led by Gandhi in protest to British rule in India during the early 1900s.
What is the Salt March?
This was an era of political tension and military rivalry between the U.S. and Soviet Union (Communist Russia) after WWII, that stopped short of full-scale war.
What is the Cold War?
Amendment repealed by the Twenty-First Amendment
What is the Eighteenth Amendment?