The average of all your grades from your entire high school career is...
The fees paid to attend school
What is Tuition
If you are struggling in a class what is the first thing a student should do.
What is speak to the teacher.
The award granted after completing a two-year college program
What is an Associate Degree
The word for one completed and passed class in high school is...A. Course B. Credit C. Curriculum
The award (degree) granted after completing a four-year college university program.
What is Ms. Hall's greatest piece of advice?
What is "Mind Your Business"
What is "No Means No and Triple Check A Yes"
Each half of a year in high school is called a(n)...A. Academic Period B. Report Card C. Semester
What is C: Semester
Money for education awarded to students because of their need, or academic or athletic achievement
What are Scholarships
In their new hit single, Walk It Like I Talk It, Why does Migos' Quavo think his back got scoliosis?
What is "Because he swerved the lane"
A course that is not required, but that you can choose to take if you are interested...
Institution funded by state and local government
What is Public Institution