High School Locker Items
What should you do?
High School Norms

These items are supposed to accompany students to class and should only be open when you are working independently. 

Chrome books/ Textbooks. It is considered rude to be looking at something else while the teacher is speaking. 

For extra points: what is the impact on your relationship with the teacher if this occurs frequently? 


This club is focused on fostering students' artistic abilities. Students work on projects that allow them to visually capture things that inspire and communicate messages. 

The photography club


You are home and you have your notes, but you cannot figure out why you keep getting questions wrong.

Do you give up on the assignment? 

No way!

You could email your teacher and request to get extra help during the W.I.N. block. 

You could check other resources to help you. For example, Khan Academy for Math. 

You could ask a trusted member of your class to explain to you what mistake is being made. 


True or False. It is normal for parents to set up hang-out times for highschool students.

False. Typically high school students form their own plans to hang out and check with parents it is ok. 


This item is usually found in a corner of the locker balled up, often after its due date.

Past assignments, homework, and papers. 

For extra points: where should these items live? 


This club provides the soundtrack to games, pep rallies and graduation

What is the band?


After completing the assignment during class and wanting to know what's next

"I'm done. What should I do now?"

For extra credit: what are some options that you could do?


In Highschool, it is normal that a student asks for a walk break when they are feeling overwhelmed. 

True. Walking breaks are an available option.

For double points: when is a good time to go on a walk? 


This item has been in the locker for several weeks is discolored and most likely is beginning to have a noticeable odor. 

Old, uneaten, or forgotten food. 


This is a club that involves designing and building machines that fulfill a purpose. 

Robotics club.


When class is moving slowly and you can't wait to get out of class, what could you do?

Ask: "What time do we get out of this class?"

Do: Set a timer on your chrome book or cellphone. 

Think: What is something I am looking forward to later on in the day?

Ask: "May I go for a walking break?" 


True or False. It is expected that students bring their materials to class, arrive on time, and are ready to work when class begins. 


For extra credit: When/How are exceptions made to this expectation? 


30-7-12 what is this an example of?

A locker combination


This club practices and performs a piece of literature.

What is the Drama Club?


You are failing the class, it's the middle of the semester and you don't want to fail. What do you do?

Email or ask your teacher may I make up old work and by when should it be complete?

Email or ask your teacher may I do an alternative assignment to make up? 

Email or ask are there extra credit things I can do to bring up my grade?"


Ture or False. If a student is sharing their opinion during class, it is perfectly acceptable to interrupt them because you disagree with what they are saying. 

False. It is ok to disagree with other student's opinions or thoughts. However, we should raise our hands and wait to be called on to share our opinion. 

For extra points: How may the student would feel or think about you if you did not let them finish their thought before sharing yours?


These items tend to smell "funky" and have not made it home often enough to wash.

Old or unwashed gym clothes?


This club is focused on creating a sense of responsibility for one's community. It provides a platform for students to make a positive impact. 

The connect and commit club?


A failed attempt to get out an assignment that you didn't complete that is due today.

"You didn't tell us that we had homework?"

"I was confused about what I was supposed to do"

"I didn't know it was due today" 


Ture or False. In high school, it is normal to give up on an assignment because you did not get the grade you wanted the first time. 


Most teachers will want you to re-do work that is unsatisfactory.