Current Status
The Philosophy Behind It
The original Purpose of the High/Scope Model
To serve at-risk children from poor neighborhoods in Ypsilanti, Michigan.
Is the target age for High/Scope curriculum
3-5 years of age
The routine is day to day and often consist
Time for introduction
Big Groups
Small Groups
Outside Time
The High/Scope model heavily incorporates
The surroundings to support the students' interests.
Assessment tools used
Anecdotal notes and daily planning sessions
The year High/Scope Model began
In 1962
Children are encouraged to
Explore, connect, and use their imagination in a High/Scope classroom
Are used to give a viable representation of the timetable
Picture cards are hung on the walls at eye level
They approach problems in the classroom
With encouragement and a solution-focused approach.
The High/Scope Child Observation record is
Intended to track and report progress
The developer of the High/Scope Model
David Weikart.
Visiting the home
Is a way to enhance the connection between home and school and give teachers a chance to absorb family customs
Teachers purposefully set the classroom to
Help social connections, help sense of competence, and create a safe environment
To become a certified High/Scope teacher
Teachers are required to complete the appropriate training or equivalent training experience
A learning wheel has been used to describe the High/Scope model with the four elements
Their Learning Environment
Daily Routines
Countries and/or states using High/Scope today
The Usa, Canada, Mexico, Columbia, Chile, Ireland, Portugal, South Africa, China, Indonesia, Japan, and Thailand. As well as Kentucky.
There are chances to include themes that reflect
The children's culture in lessons because they are based on the students choices
The High/Scope Model heavily incorporates the surroundings
To support the child's interest
The certification last
Three years
Strengths of the High/Scope Model
To gain a variety of skills:
Problem solving, interacting with others, controlling their impulses, and communicating
The High/Scope emphasizes learning
Through play
The adults participate in the various groups for experiences
Small Group & Large Group
How are transtions carried out through High/Scope
Children are given choices
High Scopes sees thier families
As their cherished partners and work with them to encourage the best possible growth and learning for their children outside of the classroom.
Drawbacks of the curriculum
Absence of a curriculum, lack of direct instruction, lack in progression of academic skills, and the training is expensive.