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What does industrial mean in this context?

But there is more to America than raw industrial might.

Concerning business, manufacturing, or commerce


What does pitched mean in this context?

He fought a pitched battle in 1936 with private interests whose target was private gain.



How long can a person survive without food?

30 days


How long was the first Thanksgiving feast?

3 days


What does the star symbol mean in the elevator?

That's the floor that is closed to the ground level exit. 


What is a synonym for objective?

impartial, goal


What is an argument?

an opinion that a writer expresses


How many minutes does a swimmer have to get out of cold water (water 35 degrees or below) before losing movement abilities?

about 20 minutes


How many millions of turkeys are cooked annually on Thanksgiving?

46 million


What most likely caused the pharaoh Tutankhamen's curse to those that disturbed his tomb?

underground gasses 


What is most likely the author’s reason for referencing President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in paragraph 19?

I remember the fierce resolve of a man that I admired greatly, a great leader of a great people, Franklin D. Roosevelt. He fought a pitched battle in 1936 with private interests whose target was private gain.

Johnson wishes to align himself with a revered leader who had similar values, and, at the same time, distinguish himself as a more moderate alternative.


What is a claim?

main idea of an argument (opinion)


What is morse code for SOS?

three dots

three dashes

three dots


Who wanted the turkey to be the nation's bird instead of the bald eagle?

Benjamin Franklin


Whose notebooks are still radioactive?

Marie Curie


What does the following passage from paragraph 9 most closely reveal?

How do you really put a value on the view of the night that is caught in a boy's eyes while he is stretched out in the thick grass watching the million stars that we never see in these crowded cities, breathing the sounds of the night and the birds and the pure, fresh air while in his ears are the crickets and the wind?

The ability to experience the natural world, free of synthetic additives, is something to be cherished.


Why does Johnson clarify the use of "public money" in paragraph 14 to help support his argument?

Now, this bill does more than control advertising and junkyards along the billions of dollars of highways that the people have built with their money—public money, not private money. It does more than give us the tools just to landscape some of those highways.

To reinforce that all Americans contributed to the beautification of the highway.


What is the edible part of the dandelion?

Hint: trick question

the whole thing


Where did the first Thanksgiving take place?

Plymouth, Massachusetts 


What's the only part of the human body that can't heal itself?



Which inference about the United States is best supported by the passage below (paragraphs 2–3)?

America likes to think of itself as a strong and stalwart and expanding Nation. It identifies itself gladly with the products of its own hands. We frequently point with pride and with confidence to the products of our great free enterprise system—management and labor.

These are and these should be a source of pride to every American. They are certainly the source of American strength. They are truly the fountainhead of American wealth. They are actually a part of America's soul.

The United States’ patriotism is justifiable in light of its hard-won commercial success.


How does Johnson's mention of nature as medicine help contribute to his claim in this speech?

And not one single foot of it was marred by a single, unsightly, man-made construction or obstruction—no advertising signs, no old, dilapidated trucks, no junkyards. Well, doctors could prescribe no better medicine for me, and that is what I said to my surgeon as we drove along.

It highlights that the natural world is an important part of human wellbeing and should be protected.


If you are dehydrated and out of drinks, what are you supposed to eat?

something with light salt, such as crackers


The first turkey trot had how many runners?



How long are you supposed to dunk an Oreo?

3 seconds