We love to act
What is drama class
Located in the visual art wing (D)
I can go here for extra academic support
What is the tutoring center
If I get hurt I should go to?
Who is the nurse
Sits in the main office
What is the Principal (sits in the main office)
This is how I can make new friends
What is by joining a club or extracurricular activity.
See counseling department, rally, or back to school night for more information
I want to join the military one day. Here is where I can get an early start
What is ROTC
This is where I go to change for PE class
Located in the gym
This person can help you get on a sports team
PE teacher/sports coach
Office is in the gym/ best way to contact is during office hours
The person who answers the phones and greets you when you are in the office. This person knows EVERYTHING about the school, staff, and students
Who is the secretary/administrative assistant
Sits in the main office
I'm being bullied. This is how I can solve it
What is asking for support from mental health counselor, academic counselor, a coach, teacher, or any other trusted staff member.
We play instruments in the class
What is band
Located in the visual arts wing (D)
This is where I can go to get lunch or breakfast
What is the cafeteria
This person is a GREAT listening ear and helps resolve peer conflict and manage emotions that impact school (sadness, worry).
School social worker/mental health worker
Receive a referral from counseling department
This person is the second in charge of the school. Handles discipline of students
Vice-Principal (sits in the main office)
My friend says they are having suicidal thoughts. What do I do
What is call crisis hotline or talk to the counseling staff privately.
I don't feel comfortable eating lunch in the cafeteria. I can go here to eat lunch with less people
What is the teacher's classroom or mental health counselor office
This person prints transcripts needed for college or changing schools
Who is registrar
Sits in the counseling office
This person is who you go to when your late or need an excused absence
Attendance clerk
Sits in the attendance office
This is a dedicated time to talk to teachers or school staff.
What are office hours
Counseling department - 8:30-4:30 (must have a pass)
Teacher- see syllabus given first week of school
I want to help my teacher.
What is a teachers aide.
Must be at least a junior with an elective period option. Must have passing grades in core classes
Uh oh...I got into trouble and have to go here as a consequence
What is Saturday school and/or detention
Located in the teacher's classroom responsible for detention
I forgot to bring a lunch... I can go here and get a lunch
Who is the cafeteria staff
This person helps you with taking the correct classes, changing/dropping classes, credits, and college transcripts
Academic Counselor
Sits in the counseling office