How to pack
First aid skills
General Preparedness

How does Hiking gear differ from traditional Sports gear?

It's much more lightweight 


What gets packed in the bottom of the backpack?

Medium-Heavy items. Thinks you wont need during the Hike


How many degrees are there on a compass?

360 degrees

How do you stop a bleed?

Cover the wound with a sterile dressing (if available) or a clean cloth. Apply direct pressure to the wound until bleeding stops


Name one thing that packing multiple of may make your trip more pleasant.


also accept: layers, matches, map, or others based on leadership judgment.


Why is it important to wear hiking footwear vs crocs? 

For support and comfort

Inappropiate footwear can lead to increased chance of injury


What gear should be packed on the top of your pack? Name three examples

Items you will frequently need

(First aid kit, Trail food, Warm layer )


What do the lines mean on a Topographic map?

ground elevation or depression


What are common hiking injuries (4)




Knee Pain


What is one think you learned about Snake Moutain 

It used to have a hotel on top of it


What type of fabric should hikers avoid wearing?


Wet cotton does not dry quickly 


What are good food items to pack for a hike?

  • Peanut Butter and Bananas.
  • Beef Jerky.
  • Tuna and Goldfish.
  • Fresh of Dried Fruit.
  • Granola.
  • Veggies.
  • Nuts and Seeds.
What is found in a map Key?

Maps use a key, or legend, to explain the meaning of each of the symbols used in the map. These keys usually show a small picture of each of the symbols used on the map, along with a written description of the meaning of each of these symbols.


Describe the treatment for a sprained ankle. (Rice)

RICE method

  1. Rest. Avoid activities that cause pain, swelling or discomfort.
  2. Ice. Use an ice pack or ice slush bath immediately for 15 to 20 minutes and repeat every two to three hours while you're awake.
  3. Compression. To help stop swelling, compress the ankle with an elastic bandage until the swelling stops. 
  4. Elevation.

What does Make yourself known mean?

When you encounter other hikers and trail users, offer a friendly “hello” or a simple head nod. This helps create a friendly atmosphere on the trail. If you approach another trail user from behind, announce yourself in a friendly, calm tone and let him/her know you want to pass.


Name ten essentials itdems to bring  

  • Water

  • First-aid kit.

  • Extra socks.

  • Raincoat

  • Flashlight.

  • Trail food.

  • Matches and fire starters.

  • Warm Clothes

  • map/compass


Your pack should be about _____% of your body weight



What type of map gives you the best information for hiking?

A topographical map

Describe the first aid for animal bites.

Scrub the area withe soap and water to remove saliva. Cover the wound with a sterile bandage kept below the heart in the case of venomous animals, and get the victim to a doctor. Do not try to catch the animal.

What are things to remember when hiking in a group? 

Group travel best practices 

  • Perplan a rought so everyone knows where to go
  • intersetion-always wait at intersetions 

  • speed- Have the slower hiker in the front to set speed


What should you know about your right of way?

There are 3 principles to this 

  • Principle 1: Hikers coming uphill have the right of way 

  • Principle 2: Bicyclists yield to hikers and horses

  • Principle 3: Hikers yield to horses and other packstock


List 5 clothing items to pack in your hiking bag  


Insulated jacket 

Wool Socks 



Wicking short


A map should be oriented to what direction?

Magnetic North. True North should only be used if magnetic North is not available.


Name 8 items found in a First Aid Kit 

  • Examination gloves.
  • Adhesive bandages.
  • Medical tape.
  • Cold compresses.
  • Medical scissors.
  • Tweezers.
  • Gauze pads.
  • Gauze rolls/kling rolls.

What should you do before any outing?

Leave your Itinerary with someone. 

In the event that you get lost or injured, they can notify proper personnel for help, 

if driving to a hiking spot, it is recommended to leave a copy visible on the seat in your car.