What makes a healthy relationship?
What makes an unhealthy relationship?
Valentine's Potpourri
HILC x OneLove
Unhealthy Relationships Stats

Name three characteristics of a healthy relationship

Trust, comfortable pace, honesty, independence, respect, equality, kindness, taking responsibility, healthy conflict, fun


Healthy or unhealthy? "Please don't be mad at me, I can't live without you. I only acted that way because I was drunk. If we break up I don't know what I would do"

Unhealthy - this is an example of guilting, deflecting responsibility


What is the highest grossing romance movie of all time?

The Titanic


True or False: All unhealthy couplings are abusive



True or False: sexual orientation played a factor in the proportion of Cornell students who experienced dating or domestic violence

True: 10.8% of undergraduates who identify as heterosexual reported experiencing domestic or dating violence since entering Cornell; this compares to 19.6% of undergraduates who identify as LGBTQIA+


True or false: perfectly healthy relationships don't exist 

True - no relationships are perfect, and no one is healthy 100% of the time - but people should strive to have healthy behaviors in their relationships


How can social media posts provide a false narrative about how healthy a relationship is?

Posts are often very carefully curated to only show the happy parts of a relationship, even if it is actually unhealthy behind the post. Social media can also pressure someone to stay in an unhealthy relationship with positive reinforcement


Guess the song from the lyrics: "Cuz you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter"

Love Story by Taylor Swift


Name three characteristics of unhealthy relationships

volatile, intense, possessive, manipulative, isolating, sabotage, belittling, guilting, deflecting responsibility, betrayal, etc.


What percentage of people who identify as having a disability reported experiencing domestic or dating violence?

20.4% (compared to 8% of people who identify as not having a disability)


Healthy or unhealthy (and why)? "I totally messed up, and I'm sorry that I didn't do the dishes. I just got caught up with work and forgot. But that was my responsibility - I'll make it up to you."

Healthy! Displays honesty, taking responsibility, equality, kindness


What are some signs or behaviors you might see in someone who is being isolated due to their unhealthy relationship?

Withdrawal from friends and family, missing classes or club meetings, dependence on partner for love and acceptance, not allowed to see certain people


What is the name of the unofficial holiday on February 13th?

Galentine's Day


Describe a circumstance that might make it harder for someone to leave an unhealthy relationship

power dynamics due to age difference/financial dependence, LGBTQIA+ relationship, cultural norms, etc.


Of the respondents who reported having experienced dating violence, who were they most likely to confide in about their experience? (ex. no one, family member, Cornell staff, faculty, friends, etc.)

Friends (68.2%)


True or false: avoiding arguments is a characteristic of healthy relationships

False! Being able to have healthy conflict is a key to healthy relationships. This often entails recognizing the root issue and addressing it respectfully before it escalates into something bigger, and avoiding judgment or belittling


What characteristic of unhealthy relationships is this an example of? "Are you really that stupid? You don't know why he keeps calling you at midnight?"

Belittling, posessivness


In which country did Valentine's Day originate?

Italy, during the Roman Empire


What are two strategies someone can use in their safety plan to break up with someone?

Tell people you're breaking up with your partner, break up in public, have a friend or family member on the phone, etc.


What percent of undergraduates have experienced domestic or dating violence since attending Cornell?

A. 5%

B. 10%

C. 15%

D. 20%

C. 15.6%


Name three other types of relationships that can be unhealthy, other than the romantic/sexual kind

Relationships with parents, friends, bosses/professional relationships


What is one resource someone can go to if they're in an unhealthy relationship and need help?

share.cornell.edu, domestic violence hotline, planned parenthood, CAPS/Cornell Health, your RA/RHD, Ithaca Advocacy Center, crisis textline, Title IX coordinator, LGBT Resource Center, Women's Resource Center


What is the TV show that created Galentine's Day?

Parks and Recreation


Why might it be harder for someone to leave an unhealthy LGBTQIA+ relationship?

they might not feel like they'll find someone else who understands them, might face the threat of being outed by their partner, might not know what a healthy LGBTQIA+ relationship looks like because of less representation/visibility, norms of dating and domestic violence often portrayed in terms of aggressive man and a victim woman

What resource related to nonconsensual sexual or relationship experiences were students most aware of?

Cornell Health (95.9%)