Plays Tony Stark
Who is Robert Downey Jr.
Who is the princess of Agrabah
Our middle names
What is Alllen and Jean
Taylor's black and white covers
Reputation and Folklore
Caught famous pass against Oklahoma
Who is Eric Crouch
"Wednesdays we wear pink" is from what movie
What is Mean Girls
Country Belle is from
Number of windows in Great Room
What is 15
What TV stands for
Taylor's Version
Coach after Frank Solich
Who is Bill Callahan
Who is the short, evil antagonist in Shrek
Lord Maximus Farquaad.
Snow White's evil stepmother
Who is Malieficent
GranJan and Grandma's landline numbers
What is 721-8637 and 753-0531
Taylor's favorite drink
What is Vodka and diet Coke
Threw Hail Mary in Northwestern Game
Who is Ron Kellogg
Top Grossing Holiday movie
The Grinch
Name of Undersea Kingdom in Little Mermaid
Year of our marriage
What is 1985
Spangler girls connections to Taylor
What is Taylor's middle name-Alison and Mother's name Andrea
Opponent in last bowl game win
Who is UCLA 2015 Holiday Bowl
Actor that played Jacob in Twilight
Taylor Lautner
Mulan's male soldier name
What is Ping
Color of first mini van
What is dark Gray
Taylor Swift song includes the lyric: "November flush and your flannel cure"?
Champagne problems
Name with intials that Matthew was going to be named after
Who is IM Hipp