What is strikeout swinging
Play is to home. I back up the catcher.
Who is the Pitcher?
A pitch thrown at a pitcher’s maximum velocity
What is a Fast Ball?
An attempt to bat the ball by running forward in the batter’s box, carrying the bat with you
What is a Drag Bunt?
You are given the sign for steal and then a stop to the forearm. What is this sign?
What is 1st and 3rd Steal?
What is Base on Balls? (Walk)
Play is to 3B. 3B comes off the bag to get the ball. Who covers the base?
Who is the Shortstop?
A ball thrown with spin to make it swerve downward and away form the center of the plate
What is a Curve Ball?
A batted ball that has been struck with a short chopping motion rather than a full swing
What is a Slap Hit?
Tap to wrist and one tap to chest is this sign
What is bunt?
What is Error?
Play is to 2B. Ball is hit to LF. Who covers 2B?
Who is the Second Baseman?
A pitch to force the batter to swing out of the strike zone
What is a Rise Ball?
A play where the runner from 3B starts for home as soon as the ball is pitched and the batter has to get the bunt down
What is a Suicide Squeeze?
Tap to wrist and 2 taps to chest is this sign
What is steal?
What is Fielders Choice?
Play is to 3. Ball is hit to RF. 3B covers the case. Who is the back up?
Who is the Pitcher or Left Fielder?
A pitch thrown to force the batter to hit a ground ball
Drop Ball
You hit a ball in the gap between left field and center field, and as you round 1st you place your foot here
Where is the Inside corner of white bag?
Tap to wrist and 3 taps to chest is this sign
What is hit and run?
Stolen Base
Play is to 2B. Ball is hit to pitcher. Who covers 2B?
Who is the Shortstop?
A pitch thrown slower than a pitcher’s maximum velocity
What is a Change up?
You bunt in order to move a runner over but get thrown out at first is called this
What is sacrifice bunt?
This steal sign is both fingers to eyes?