What are the school colors of Hillsdale College (two answers)?
Blue and White!
What was your tour guide's name?
How many full-size basketball courts are there in the Splex?
How many core classes are there?
What is the mascot of Hillsdale College?
The Charger!
How many statues are on the Liberty Walk?
Why are there two different colors of brick on Central Hall?
Because the original building partially burned down.
NCAA Division II
Which of these ranges best describes Hillsdale's Average Class Size:
<10; 10-20; 20-30; 30-40
What year was Hillsdale College founded?
What city was Hillsdale College originally founded in?
Spring Arbor!
How many floors are there in the Library, and what are their names?
3: Heaven, Purgatory, Hell.
What is the name of the organization responsible for creating active student/Intra Mural events at Hillsdale College?
Campus Rec!
What are the three transcendentals that students are taught in every class?
Goodness, Truth, and Beauty
The city of Hillsdale is on a railroad connecting which two major U.S. cities?
Detroit and Chicago
Which 19th century scholar spoke twice at Hillsdale College and has a statue erected in his honor?
Fredrick Douglass
What animal is specially revered in the Heritage room of the library?
The Bald Eagle!
How many students are involved in music on campus?
What is the student to professor ratio at Hillsdale College?
What is the oldest statue on Hillsdale's campus?
The Civil War Statue!
How much federal and state funding does Hillsdale receive?
What are the names of the College's two primary classroom buildings?
Lane and Kendall!
What are the three Latin words inscribed above the doors of the Chapel?
Faith, Hope and Love (The Three Christian Virtues)
Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Mathematics, Astronomy, Music, Geometry