Ling and Opposite
If Ek Vachan, tell me Bahu vachan and vice versa
Make a sentence
Opposite: माता
Ek/Bahu Vachan: Same
Answers vary
Ling and Opposite
If Ek Vachan, tell me Bahu vachan and vice versa
Make a sentence
Ling: स्त्रीलिंग
Opposite: नर्तक
Bahu vachan
Ek vachan streeling: नर्तक
Ling and Opposite
If Ek Vachan, tell me Bahu vachan and vice versa
Make a sentence
Opposite: ऊंटनी
Ek Vachan
Bahu Vachan: ऊंटनियां
Answers vary for sentence
Ling and Opposite
If Ek Vachan, tell me Bahu vachan and vice versa
Make a sentence
Opposite: छात्रा
Bahu Vachan: छात्राएं
What did they eat after the main course? Answer in Hindi (restate the question)
मुख्य पकवान खाने के बाद, उन्होंने और मिठाइयां खाई
Ling and Opposite
If Ek Vachan, tell me Bahu vachan and vice versa
Make a sentence
Ling: स्त्रीलिंग
Opposite: भाईसाहब
Bahu vachan
Ek Vachan: दीदी
Ling and Opposite
If Ek Vachan, tell me Bahu vachan and vice versa
Make a sentence
Ling: पुल्लिंग
Opposite: कुम्हारिन
Ek Vachan
Bahu Vachan: कुम्हार
Ling and Opposite
If Ek Vachan, tell me Bahu vachan and vice versa
Make a sentence
Ling: स्त्रीलिंग
Opposite: मोर
Ek Vachan
Bahu Vachan: मोरनियां
Ling and Opposite
If Ek Vachan, tell me Bahu vachan and vice versa
Make a sentence
Ling: पुल्लिंग
Opposite: दुल्हन
Bahu Vachan
Ek Vachan: दूल्हा
How did Rahul feel after he entered the door? Answer in Hindi (restate the question)
द्वार के अन्दर जाते ही, राहुल चौंक गया.