This sacred syllable, often chanted in meditation, symbolizes the universe and ultimate reality.
What is "OM" ?
What are the 4 Vedas?
Rig, Yajur, Sama & Atharva
Each Veda is further classified into 3 kandas
Define Samskara
Scriptures give us the prescription to steer away from our Vikriti (that which is not in our nature).
Scriptures teach us to live a cultured life
To live according to these prescriptions is Samskaras
Define Dharma
Morals, Values, Good conduct
The essential nature of any object or being
That by following which leads to an integrated personality
Why do we apply TILAK?
Mark of auspiciousness & Symbol of Blessing
Position of tilak on forehead represents the third eye, the eye of knowledge and inner wisdom
Forehead and spot between eyebrows- energy center
Tilak cools the forehead and prevents energy loss
Bhasma has medicinal value and protects from ill health
This sacred part of a Hindu temple is typically located in the innermost chamber, where the main idol or deity is housed, and is the focal point of worship and prayer.
What is the garbhagriha (sanctum sanctorum)?
What does the word "VEDA" mean?
The word "Veda" is derived from the Sanskrit verbal root "Vid" which means "To Know" and is generally translated as "The Treasure of knowledge" or "The source or means of Knowledge"
Significance of NAMAKARMA
There is a deep connection between name and sound.The name brings in our mind the image of the person thought of and the more one thinks, the more consistent the impressions. Because of this reason, children are usually named after the “Lord’s” name.
Two Kinds of Dharma
Sa̅ma̅nya Dharma - Universal values to be followed by all people in life irrespective of nationality, age or profession
Varna̅shrama Dharma: Specific duties given to each individual with respect to age , gender, profession etc
Why do we light a lamp?
❖ Light = Knowledge
❖ Flame = Intelligence
❖ Wick = Ego
❖ Oil = Vasanas (Negative Tendencies)
❖ Lamp = Body
In Hindu worship, these 16 steps of ritual purification and offering are part of a comprehensive process to ensure proper devotion and honor to the deity, with each step symbolizing a different aspect of reverence.
What is the Shodasha Upachara (16 steps of Puja)?
Who is credited with compiling the Vedas?
Sage Veda Vyasa
Significance of Mundana
This signifies removal of bad thoughts and also has a medical significance. Enables the scalp to be checked for proper joining of skull bones
What's the essential nature (Dharma) of a human being?
Understanding their OWN DIVINE NATURE
Why do we ring a bell?
❖Ringing of the bell produces a reverberating, auspicious sound “OM”
❖To view the all-auspicious Lord, there should be auspiciousness within and without
❖We ring bell during arati - Creates auspicious environment via sound
In Hindu temple rituals, this act involves the formal consecration of an murti, wherein it is infused with divine energy, making it a living embodiment of the deity it represents.
What is prana pratishta?
Some examples of Ithihasa?
The Mahabharata
The Ramayana
These historic events took place in the distant past and because we have not seen them ourselves, we only know them by what was told to us by others.
Significance of Vidyarambha
Lord Ganesha and Ma Saraswati are worshiped as they are symbols for knowledge. The idea is may their blessings make the child brilliant and learned
Child’s hand is held by teacher or father and “OM” is written on a plate decorated with rice grains and flowers
List some Sa̅ma̅nya Dharmas
Dhrti (Fortitude), Kshama̅ (Forgiveness), Dama (Control of organs of action), Asteya (Non stealing), Shaucha (Purity)
Why do we offer food to the Lord before eating?
Naivedya vs. Prasad - Naivedya is our offering to the Lord and Prasad is Lord's blessing to us
Prasada Buddhi
Attitude of cheerful acceptance
No waste or rejection
No criticisms on quality
What does the Conch and Gadha that Lord Vishnu holds sybolize?
Shanka or Conch - Calls to a life of noble values
Maze or Gadha - Warnings given by the Lord
Chakra or Discuss - Destroys the Ego
Padma or Lotus - Reward of Self Knowledge
Are Vedas classified under Shruthi or Smrithi?
No author, considered the breath of God
Revealed to sages in the state of deep meditation
Passed on by oral tradition for centuries
Significance of Upanayana
Upanayana means “Leading Near”, by which a child is led to the Guru, a teacher in the Gurukala
The child is given a Yagnopavita of 3 threads. This reminds them that they are indebted to their forefathers, devatas & rishis
Four stages of Life
Student Life or Brahmacharya
Householder’s Life or Grhastha
Retired Life or Vānaprastha
Renunciate Life or Sanyāsa
Why do we fast?
Sanskrit word : Upavasa
Upa : near; Vasa : to stay
Close mental proximity to God
Self-imposed form of discipline
Tapas (discipline)
Vrata (vow)
Mental attitude during fasting