DEFINITE-LY on the Test
330 Million Gods huh?...Which God Am I Anyway?
HinDOs and HindONT'S!
Opa Hindu Style!!!
I Can't Think Of A Witty Category Name So We'll Call This "Anything Goes"!
The notion that the soul is rehoused in a different body per lifetime.
What is reincarnation?
I am that which everything will one day return to.
Who is Brahman?
Hindus typically do not eat this animal as a result of its believed ties to the supreme, universal soul.
What is a "cow"?
This pyramid structure served as a discriminatory tool to divide different social groups in India.
What is "The Hindu Caste System"?
Name the civilization that was overtaken by the Aryans.
Who was the "Indus Valley Civilization"?
That which hopes to one day be liberated.
What is atman?
I am the son of a powerful God who cut off my head in a fit of rage.
Who is Ganesha?
Hindus, like us in the "west", may marry but they typically do not marry for love, they often choose this route instead.
What is entering an arranged marriage?
The Hindus often worship in the Hindu temple, also known as this.
What is "the Mandir"?
Gandhi fought extremely hard for "The Untouchables", whom he named this.
Who are the "Harijans" or "The Children of God"?
The cycle in which rebirths occur over and over again.
What is samsara?
I am a mighty, fierce warrior, goddess! No one should mess with me because they will surely perish! I am often shown holding a head in one of my hands! If you do not know who I am I may have to KILL YOU!!!!
Who is Durga?
When Hindus meditate they often say this, which is actually the visual and oral representation of the Supreme being.
What is "Om"?
Worship in the home before a home shrine.
What is "Puja"?
This city is where it is believed that Vishnu lived during his life as one of his incarnations.
What is "The City of Varanasi"?
A Hindu is expected to completed certain tasks or duties.
What is dharma?
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are the gods who comprise the Hindu Trimurti. Who are we? What are our roles? How do we work together?
Who are: Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer/Redeemer. Together we create, preserve, and then destroy the universe when things get outdated/old etc. We work together as one.
Hindus, unlike Jehovah's Witness followers, do not do this!
What is "not attempting to convert others"?
While this term began to describe Hindi cinema it now tends to remind people of all things Hindu, particularly various forms of entertainment like dance competitions and music videos.
What is "Bollywood"?
Upon a Hindu's death, this is how the body is dealt with typically.
What is "cremated and possibly scattered in the Ganges River"?
The ultimate goal of a Hindu is this.
What is moksha?
I am the goddess of knowledge, music, arts, and science.
Who is "Saraswati"?
Mahatma Gandhi's main principle upon which he relied to earn India's independence.
What is "Ahimsa- the principle of non-violence".
The oldest sacred Hindu scriptures.
What are the "Vedas"?
It is through one of these four methods that can help a Hindu reach liberation.
What are "The Four Paths To Salvation"? BONUS: *Can you name them all?