Back To The Future
World History
Israeli History
Future Predictions
Technology History

When did back to the future come out?

What is 1985?


What year did $hitler become chancellor?

What/when is 1933?


In (x) Israel, along with France and the United Kingdom, launched a military campaign against Egypt in response to the nationalization of this strategic waterway

What is Suez Canal?

+100 for guessing year (1956)

+50 for Correct year +/- 5 (1951-1961)


During the Space Race (1960s), it was predicted that by the turn of the millennium, humans would have established colonies on this celestial body. Which celestial body is it?

What is The Moon?


What Iphone will apple be releasing in 2025?

What is the Iphone SE 4

Who played Marty McFly in back to the future?

What/who is Michael J. Fox?


What year saw the first successful manned moon landing?

What/when is 1969?


In (x) Israel fought a Six-Day War against several Arab states. One outcome of this war was Israel gaining control of these three territories.

What are the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Sinai Peninsula?

+100 Correct Year (1967)

+ 50 Correct within +/-5 (1962-1972)


In the early 20th century, there were forecasts that by the year 2000, this global issue would have been resolved through international cooperation and technological innovation, leading to a more sustainable and equitable world.

What is world hunger or poverty?


What country was the first to build an AI Robot?

What is Japan?


Who played Doc in back to the future?

What/who is Christopher Lloyd?


What decade did the industrial revolution begin in?

What/when is the 1760s?


In (X), Israel signed a historic peace treaty with this neighboring country, becoming the first Arab nation to officially recognize Israel's right to exist.

What is Egypt?

+100 Correct Year (1979)

+ 50 Correct within +/-5 (1974-1984)


In the late 19th century, a famous inventor and futurist predicted that by the year 2000, cities would be lit by electricity, horse-drawn vehicles would be replaced by motorized carriages, and that we would have flying machines. Who made these predictions?

What/Who is Nicola Tesla?


Alongside Steve Jobs, this individual co-founded Apple Inc. in 1976 and is known for his contributions to the development of personal computing.

Who is Steve Wozniak?


What year does marty McFly travel ack to in the first "back to the future" film?



When was the french revolution?

What/when is 1789?


In 1982, Israel invaded this country in response to constant attacks from the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) based there, leading to a protracted conflict and occupation

What is Lebanon?


Throughout the 2010s, there were forecasts that by the 2020s, advancements in medical science would lead to the widespread use of this technology, allowing for personalized treatments tailored to an individual's genetic makeup.

What is precision medicine or personalized medicine?


In 1973, this company introduced the first handheld mobile phone, commonly known as the "brick," which paved the way for the modern smartphone.

 What is Motorola?


What was the name of the car used in Back to the Future

What is the DeLorean Time Machine?


How many millions of years ago was the dinosaur extinction?

What is 66 million years ago!?

 In (x), Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) signed this landmark agreement, which aimed to establish Palestinian self-rule in parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

What is the Oslo Accords?

+100 Correct Year (1992)

+ 50 Correct within +/-5 (1987-1977)


In the early 20th century, this British writer and philosopher predicted the emergence of a global network of interconnected computers, foreseeing a "world brain" that would store and disseminate knowledge to people worldwide.

Who is H.G. Wells?


This British mathematician, known for his work in cryptography and artificial intelligence, proposed the concept of a theoretical computing device called this, a fundamental concept in computer science.

Who is Alan Turing, and what is the Turing machine?