This muscles only action is "laterally rotate the hip"
What is the obturator externus?
Nerve is deep fibular and inserts on the distal phalanx of the first toe
What is the extensor hallucis longus?
Chief support posteriorly in the knee, restricting the potential for knee hyperextension
What is the oblique popliteal ligament?
what is the femoral nerve?
stabilizes against genu varum stressors
what is lateral collateral ligament?
What is the semitendinosus?
Inverts the foot, nerve is tibial, origin is middle, posterior surface of tibia
What is the flexor digitorum longus?
Muscles that attack to the pes anserinus tendon
sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus
Adductor magnus
Obturator and sciatic
branches from the femoral artery to pass through the popliteal fossa at the back of the knee.
popliteal artery
Gluteus medius posterior fibers action
Extend the hip, laterally rotate the hip, abduct the hip
Located on plantar surface of foot, origin is medial process of calcaneus and plantar aponeurosis. Action is flex middle phalanges of the 2nd through 5th toes.
What is the flexor digitorum brevis?
Deltoid ligament is composed of
posterior and anterior tibiotalar, tibiocalcaneal, tibionavicular
Sciatic tibial branch
Semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris (long head)
Helps skin move freely over the patella even with the knee flexed. Excessive kneeling and squatting may inflame this "housemaids knee"
what is the Prepatellar bursa?
Originates on the superior ramus of pubis, inserts on pectineal line of femur, nerve is obturator
What is the pectineus?
Extend the MTP joint
What is the extensor hallucis brevis?
Stabilizes the hip joint anteriorly
Iliofemoral ligament
Plantar interossei
What is the tibial nerve?
prevents the tibia from sliding anteriorly in front of the femur
what is the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
Number of muscles innervated by the sacral plexus nerve? Extra credit if you name them all
5, piriformis, quadratus femoris, obturator femoris, gemellus superior, gemellus inferior.
Assist flexor digitorum longus to flex 2nd-5th toes
What is the quadratus plantae?
Superficial band stretching between the ASIS and pubic tubercle
What is the inguinal ligament?
Fibularis longus
What is the superficial fibular nerve?
what is the transverse arch?