What part of the hip is the top right and left areas of this image?
What is the Illium?
What is the most common strain?
What is the hamstring?
During hip flexion, how many degrees can the hip flex?
What is 0-120 degrees?
What part of the hip is injured due to a hip pointer injury?
What is the Iliac crest?
What is the Thomas stress test testing for?
What is hip flexor tightness?
What part of the hip is highlighted?
What is the Ischium?
What are most injuries a result of?
What is overuse?
During hip extension, how many degrees can the hip entend?
What is 0-30 degrees?
What are the symptoms of Iliac Crest contusions?
What is tenderness, swelling, and ecchymosis?
What is the Trendelenberg stress test testing for?
What is weakness of the gluteal muscles?
What is highlighted?
What is the ASIS?
What is included in the Femoral Triangle?
What is the the Sartorius, Inguinal Ligament, and the Adductor Longus?
During hip abduction, how many degrees can the hip abduct?
What is 0-45 degrees?
Myositis Ossification is caused by what ?
What is repeated blunt trauma?
What is the Hip Scouring stress test testing for?
What is defect in the articular cartilage of femur or acetabulum?
What is highlighted?
What is the Acetabulum?
What type of joint is the Acetabulum/Hip?
What is ball and socket?
During hip adduction, how many degrees can the hip adduct?
What is 0-15/20 degrees?
What is the treatment for a hamstring strain/injury?
What is medication, physical therapy, and massages?
What is the Long Sit stress test testing for?
What is for leg-length discrepancy and rotation of the pelvis?
What area is highlighted?
What is the Pubis Symphis?
The hip is the ____ part of the body?
What is the strongest?
During hip internal rotation, how many degrees can the hip internally rotate?
What is 0-45 degrees?
Hip fractures are often due to what?
What is old age, falling, and vehicular accidents?
What is the Sacroiliac Compression stress test testing for?
What is for sacroiliac pathology?