This is Designed to provide a safe and healthy working envionment
What is OSHA
This is the single most effective way to prevent infection
What is Washing hands
These are required to be worn during most dental procedures
What is PPE
Equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards in the workplace
What is PPE
Any Chemical that can harm you
What is Hazardous Chemical
Name the 3 major blood borne diseases
What is HIV, Hep B and Hep C
This form contains detailed intonation about a chemical and must be available for reference
What is SDS Sheet
Name the 3 main PPE needed in dental environment
What is Gloves, Face Masks and Safety Glasses
$100.00 to $250,000 and 1 to 10 years in prison
What are the minimum and maximum penalies for HIPAA breaches.
OSHA Stands for
What is Occupational Safety and Health Admisnistration
Viruses, Bacteria and other microorganisms that are carried in the bloodstream
What are bloodborne Pathogens