What breed has a golden body with a white main and tail?
What do you call the area between the fetlock joint and the coronary band?
There are 5 basic gaits common to most horses. Name them and the number of beats.
Walk, 4
Trot or Jog, 2
Canter or Lope, 3
Gallop or Run, 4
Back, 4
What 4 parts of a horse does the term "points" refer to when discussing colors?
mane, tail, lower leg, ear rims
What is the proper term for the bulge on the head of an Arabian horse?
This breed is known for its extreme elegance. They can either be 3-gaited or 5-gaited.
American Saddlebred
What is the name of the highest point of the horse's shoulders that is defined as the bony protrusion between the neck and the back?
When cantering, the last foot to hit the ground indicates what?
what lead the horse is on
What color is a relatively uniform mixture of white and black hairs on the body, typically with a darker head and lower legs?
Blue Roan
Describe a horse that is "pigeyed."
eyes that are too small for the size of the head
What breed is characterized by a curly coat and a mane and tail that sometimes shed in the summer and regrow in the fall?
Bashkir Curly
What body system consists of a pair of kidneys and the ureters, bladder, and urethra
Name 4 different walks that may be called for in a dressage test.
1. Working(regular)
2. Collected
3. Medium
4. Extended
5. Free
Name 3 characteristics of a cremello horse.
1. Pink skin
2. Blue eyes
3. basic coat color is cream
What two minerals make up 70% of the horse’s body?
1. Calcium
2. Phosphorus
Coldblooded horses trace their ancestry back to what type of horse?
Heavy draft breeds
What is the correct name for the curved upper part of the horse's neck?
: Two part question: name the two gaits of harness racehorses and tell which of the two gaits is faster.
1. Pace and Trot
2. Pace is faster
A single dilution of the chestnut coat color results in a palomino. What color appears when there is a double dilution of chestnut?
Cream or cremello
Give another name for epinephrine.
What breed of pony is used almost exclusively in harness?
What is the common name for the tarsal joint?
What is the name of a maneuver or gait characterized by a high-action, collected trot in place with a long period of suspension?
South American horse people do a more precise job than North Americans in describing the chestnut coat color. What South American term refers to a red-colored horse with matching red points?
Name, in order, the 5 major forms of the horse as it evolved to the modern day horse.
1. Prehorse
2. eohippus
3. mesohippus
4. merychippus
5. pliohippus