From whence the SW comes.
What is the lodge of the Holy Saints John in Jerusalem?
The WM sits here.
What is the East?
Who is the Junior Deacon?
Brothers from Hiram were granted a charter to open a new Lodge that eventually became part of the Grand Lodge of which state?
What is California?
At the opening of the Lodge, the SW is to assist the WM in these two duties.
What is opening and governing his Lodge.
This Warden sits in the South.
Who is the JW?
Who is the Worshipful Master?
Hiram's original charter was commissioned in this year.
What is 1750?
This is how tall Bro. John Aasen stood when he received his 3rd Degree from Highland Park Lodge #382, Los Angeles, CA?
What is eight foot, six inches?
These are the perfect points of your entrance.
What are the pectoral, manual , guttural and pedal?
This Warden sits in the West.
Who is the SW?
Who is a Past Master or Worshipful Brother?
He was the Provincial Grand Master of St. John's Grand Lodge of Boston who issued Hiram's first charter which now bears his name.
Who is R.W. Thomas Oxnard?
Traditionally, this is how the Tyler summoned the brethren to Waco Lodge No. 92, Waco, TX.
What is blowing a cow horn?
The JD carries one while the SD carries the other.
What are messages and orders?
He sits to the left of the SD.
Who is the Marshal?
Who is a Past or Present Grand Lodge Officer or Right Worshipful Brother?
This was Hiram Lodge No.1's first meeting location.
What is Jehiel Tuttle's Inn/Tavern, College St.?
In 1936, Brothers of Glittering Star Lodge No. 322 initiated a candidate within this British landmark.
What is the Tower of London?
At the closing of the Lodge, the SW is to assist the WM in these two duties.
What is opening and closing his Lodge.
This Warden sit in the North.
Who is the Past Most Worshipful Grand Master?
The first time the Grand Lodge of Connecticut recalled Hiram's charter was in this year.
What is 1886?
This number designation is given to Mother Kilwinning Lodge, reputed to be the oldest lodge in Scotland.
What is "Number Nothing" represented as No. 0.