World War II
The Cold War
Rights Movements
Power Movements
This required equal pay for women in the defense industries during World War II
What is General Order No. 16 (1942)
This was the mutual defense treaty pulling together the United States, Canada, and ten western European nations
What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

This term was used to describe southern white Democrats

Who were Dixiecrats


This group was tasked with organizing the Montgomery bus boycott

What is the Montgomery Improvement Association

This radical feminist tactic was designed to open women's eyes to the idea that "the personal is political"
What is Consciousness-Raising
This document outlined the goals of the Allied powers in the postwar world
What is the Atlantic Charter
This was the economic plan the United States launched to save the economies of western Europe
What is the Marshall Plan (or the European Recovery Program)

This describes high unemployment coupled with high inflation and a sluggish economy

What is Stagflation


This group was tasked with monitoring violations to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

What is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


This banned employment discrimination based on 4 protected categories

What is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

This Supreme Court case privileged national security over due process during WWII
What is Korematsu v. United States

This legislation allowed the president to suspend strikes while also outlawing closed shops. It also required union officials to swear they weren't communists.

What is the Taft-Hartley Act?


This act established racially neutral criteria for immigration and threw out national-origins quota systems

What is the Hart-Celler Act


This document, signed by 101 Senators and Representatives, outlined arguments against school desegregation

What is the Southern Manifesto

This SCOTUS decision asserted a constitutional right to privacy, overturning state laws prohibiting the use of contraceptives
What is Griswold v Connecticut
This meeting, held near the end of the war, created two American-dominated worldwide financial institutions
What is the Bretton Woods Conference

This group was tasked with advising the president on matters of national security

What is the National Security Council


This approach to ending poverty gave money to groups to launch their own programs- as long as they had participation from the poor

What is the Community Action Program


This theory argues that there is no oldest or original form of oppression... all oppressions operate at the same time

What is intersectionality


This book written by a marine biologist described the effects of DDT and helped launch the modern environmental movement

What is Silent Spring

This phrase describes the activist efforts of African Americans (at home and abroad) during WWII
What is the Double-V Campaign

This policy dictated that control over the conflict between North and South Vietnam would be given to the Vietnamese

What is Vietnamization


This describes policies of cutting taxes, raising interest rates, and incentivizing private investment

What is Supply-Side Economics


This organization created a statement outlining a vision of social change called "participatory democracy"

What is Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

The gay liberation movement started at this club after activists began rioting in the face of regular police raids
What is the Stonewall Inn