Human Body Systems
Scientific Method
Forms of Matter
Reading Passages

After Jennifer served Salvadore several glasses of tea, he had to go relieve himself. What is the name of the structure through which urine passes from each kidney to the bladder?

What are ureters?

The sugar pill of an experiment 

What is a placebo?


The soup of the cell. It holds all the organelles of the cell. 

What is the cytoplasm?


List the 3 forms of matter.

What is a solid, liquid, or gas?


Ms. Hardy explained this reading strategy to assist with understanding words not known when reading a passage. The student would look at the words around the unknown word to get an idea of what the word means. 

What are context clues?

This human body system's function is to take oxygen from the air into the body when we inhale and to get rid of waste in the form of CO2 when we exhale. 

What is the respiratory system?


The possible prediction of an experiment. 

What is the hypothesis?


This is the powerhouse of the cell. It releases energy from food into the cell. 

What is the mitochondria?


In this state, matter is packed tightly together. 

What is a solid?


In addition to reading the passage thoroughly, Ms. Hardy has encouraged her students to go the extra mile to expand their vocabulary and reading skills for science by doing this...

What is read books? (any book that you like, go to the library)


The brain, spinal cord, and nerves make up this body system. It's function is to receive, process, and transmit information, controlling body activities. 

What is the nervous system?


This part of an experiment is the change that is being introduced. It can also be considered "the cause" of the experiment. 

What is the independent variable?


The largest part of the cell. It controls the activities of the cell. 

What is the nucleus?


In this state, matter will take the shape of its container?

What is a liquid?


Some GED questions test your understanding of the details of the passage. Asking yourself these type of questions help you figure out the answer. 

What are comprehension questions?


This body system consists of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. It's function is to break down food into nutrients, which are used for vital cell processes.

What is the digestive system?


The part of an experiment that is described as the effect. It can also be measured. 

What is the dependent variable?


This part of a cell is only in plants. It contains the chlorophyll that plants use to trap energy from the Sun for photosynthesis. 

What is the chloroplasts?


In this state, particles are free to move about in any direction. 

What is gas?


When reading a passage, this is the most important part of the passage. It is characterized by having supporting details. 

What is the main idea?


The human body system that interacts with each cell of the body. 

What is the circulatory system?


Define the scientific method. 

What is a set of techniques that scientists use to investigate observable facts and occurrences and to acquire new knowledge?


What is the process to maintain a balance on either side of the cell membrane. 

What is diffusion?


Preparing for your HiSet/GED test is very important. The best students in the whole wide world attend school here to prepare for the test?

What is OIC? :)


Ms. Hardy explained that this technique is the best way to master your learning in a subject area. 

What is teaching someone else?