Influential Latinx People
Latin American Countries
Traditional Food
Common Misconceptions
Latinx in US Government

Who was the first Latino inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame?

Who is Roberto Clemente


Baseball and dominos are this countries national sports.

What is Cuba


This popular Mexican soup is said to be the best cure for a hangover

What is Menudo


Many Americans assume its Independence Day is May 5th, when in reality its Independence Day is September 16

What is Mexico


This judge (of Puerto Rican decent) is the first Latin American justice on the United States Supreme Court.

Who is Sonia Sotomayor


This Colombian singer/actress/activist performed the theme song at the 2010 World Cup (soccer).

Who is Shakira


This nation has had more Miss Universes and Miss Worlds than any other country.

What is Venezuela


In this Central American Country, salads aren't just greens and vegetables, but also fruit juice with pieces of chopped up fruit.

What is El Salvador


Many people don't include this country to be Latino (anyone within a country in Latin America)

What is Brazil


This person was youngest female senator in US History.

Who is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 


This Cuban national hero was a poet, essayist, professor, translator, and revolutionary philosopher in the late 1800s.

Who is José Martí


This country is one of the richest Mayan history locations with over 900 historic locations.

What is Belize


Carimañola, Sancocho, and Hojaldras are popular dishes in this country.

What is Panama


The definition of any person from a Spanish speaking country

What is Hispanic


This woman is the first openly queer Latina running as the District Attorney for Queens, NY.

Who is Tiffany Cabán 


First Hispanic person to enter the space program, becoming an astronaut in 1981. He is a veteran of six space missions and has spent nearly 1,300 hours in space.

Who is Franklin R. Chang-Díaz


The planet’s largest deposit of salt can be found in this country. The Salar de Uyuni or salt flats or Uyuni salt beds hold more than 64 million tons of salt.

What is Bolivia


Papa a la Huancaina, Ceviche, and Cuy are dished that you would find if you traveled to this South American Country.

What is Peru


All Hispanic/Latinx are brown

False. There are many different identities within the Hispanic/Latinx communities. Afro-Latinx and white passing are just two examples of the various identities within the communities.


This young politician from San Antonio was a keynote speaker at this years Democratic National Convention.

What is Julian Castro


In 1962, with Dolores Huerta, he started a group called the United Farm Workers of America, to improve work conditions for migrant farm workers.

Who is César Chavez


This South American nations women go through the maximum number of plastic surgeries in the world, per person, and is perhaps the world's most looks-conscious country in the world, and more than 30% of its women undergo some form of eating disorder.

What is Argentina


This dish is referred to as the 'burrito' of Honduras.

What are baleadas


Hispanic Heritage Month begins on September 15th because five Latin American countries celebrate their independence on that day. Name three of the five countries.

What are Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador


The youngest female U.S. representative gave the weekly Republican address this March – a statement to her growing prominence. This 32-year-old intern-turned-lawmaker from Washington State has grabbed headlines with her efforts to cut congressional salaries by 10 percent.

Who is Jamie Herrera Beutler