Terms and Events

Name that the Spanish gave to the stories of their treatment towards Natives who did not convert. An example of Europeans justifying colonialization through religion.

The Black Legend


Given two names, one being Metacom, he was a symbol the new life for Native Americans. He led his nation and other tribes into a war against British colonialists. 

King Phillip


Forbade settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains. Used to control colonialists.

Royal Proclamation of 1763


Native agriculture that revolved around three different plants: Corn, Beans, and Squash

The Three Sisters


Evidence that cannot be seen. Used in Salem in witch trials.

Spectral Evidence


The exchange of new goods from N. and S. America to Africa to Europe and then back to the Americas. The trade brought wide spread disease from the Western world to the New.

Columbian Exchange


Was the King of the Britian and British colonies during the Revolutionary War. Was largely blamed by revolutionists for their poor treatment in the colonies.

King George III  


Required men to carry guns to church on Sundays. Was meant to ensure there was no rebellion while whites were in Church.

South Carolina Security Act


Was the name of an island south of Roanoke that was home to a Native American tribe of the same name. Was the only sign left by the Roanoke colonists



Person who acts as a messenger between cultures. Some Indigenous and colonists people acted in this role during the colonial era



Columbus' ultimate goal to enslave people to either sell or use as slave labor to. This is seen in a letter sent to his patrons in Europe.

Gold Made of Flesh and Blood

A Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Explorer who recognized South America was a large continent, not part of the East Indies as Columbus believed. A cartographer created a map showing Vespucci’s version of the world in 1507. This New World was called America after Vespucci.

Amerigo Vespucci


Stated the slave status was passed down through the mother not the father. Led to life enslavement over generations. Led to mass rape of enslaved women by enslavers without consequences.

Matrilineal Status (1662 Virginia Law)


War between Metacom and the New England colonies. The British referred to it as a rebellion to signify to other tribes that they are under British rule.

King Phillips War


Enriched majority of the low country of South Carolina colonists. The skills to grow originated in West Africa in places like Sierra Leone

Carolina Gold (Rice)


Companies who were founded in England and Netherlands in order to raise money for investment in for-profit colonial ventures. They were a key part in the Columbian Exchange.

Joint Stock Companies


Indentured servants rising up in rebellion. Led to stricter laws that separated poor whites from enslaved people. Seen as a precursor to the Revolutionary War.

Nathaniel Bacon (Bacon’s Rebellion)


Also known as the Intolerable Acts. Set by the empire to punish Boston for its rebellious actions. Includes the Boston Port Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Act of Imperial Administration of Justice, and Quartering Act.

Coercive Acts


Was home to the Pueblo and Hopi People. It was a mass trade cultural center for indigenous people located in what is now New Mexico.

Chaco Canyon


A woman who is separated while her husband is still alive. Courts labeled this on women who spoke up against their men in legal and religious worlds.

Fictive Widow


A system that encouraged people to migrate over to British colonies. It promised land to those already in N. America and those who paid for the voyage. It led to mass indentured servitude throughout the colonies.

Headright System


Was sold into slavery from Africa and survived the Middle Passage. He later wrote a memoir. He was an abolitionist who fought against the cruelties of the British slave trade.

Olaudah Equiano


Famous person who was a Go-Between from North America to Europe. AKA "Rebecca"



Started by enslaved man Jemmy. A rebellion of enslaved people who fought against their Spanish enslavers in Florida. They carried banners saying “Liberty,” indicating to us their knowledge of reading and writing Spanish

Stono Rebellion