Progressive Era
WWI, 1920s, 1930s

The demand for women's right to vote.

What is women's suffrage?


1. President during the Progressive Movement
2. fought in the Spanish-American War,
3.his slogan was "Speak softly and carry a bit stick," wanted the Panama Canal

Who was Theodore Roosevelt?


Any person born in the US is recognized as a US citizen because of this amendment

What is the 14th Amendment?


The main cause of WWI; started a conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia and eventually Russia and Germany

What is the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?


The time when the US got control over territory in the Caribbean and Asia and became a world power.

What is the American Empire?


A person who would document the bad living and working conditions; helped during the Progressive Era

What is a muckraker?


1. President during WWI

2. Wanted the League of Nations to prevent another world war

Who was Woodrow Wilson?


passed in 1920, legalized women's suffrage

What was the 19th Amendment?


used during WWI, causes slow and painful death, soldiers would wear masks for protection, considered a war crime to use it in modern day

What is mustard gas?


nickname for the corruption and bad living conditions caused by the Second Industrial 

What was the Gilded Age?

At first, wanted women's suffrage but then demanded prohibiting the sale, production, and transportation of alcohol

What was the Temperance Movement?


President after Wilson, slogan was "return to normalcy," Teapot Dome Scandal showed corruption in his Cabinet

Who was Calvin Coolidge?


prohibited the sale, production, and transportation of alcohol

What was the 18th Amendment?


a young woman who rebelled against gender social norms during the 1920s, usually wore short hair, makeup, and drank alcohol in social settings

What was a flapper?


Time in US history when there were not a lot of jobs, people were living in poverty, and the Dust Bowl ruined American crops

What is the Great Depression?


This is considered the start of the Progressive Era, workers were working in bad conditions and died in a fire due to negligence 

What was the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire?


-First president during the Great Depression
-believed in laissez-faire and rugged individualism
-blamed for the Great Depression

Who was Herbert Hoover?


corruption often violated this amendment in the South, gave US citizens the right to vote regardless of race

What was the 15th Amendment?


shantytowns where people had to move after the Great Depression, named after a president out of spite

What was a Hooverville?

considered the first modern war, ended with Germany being blamed for the war

What was World War I?


the belief the government should not be involved in economics; businesses can do do whatever they want

What is laissez-faire?


-2nd president during the Great Depression, New Deals increased fed. gov. power, used the radio for fireside chats, pres. during WWII

Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt/FDR?


-repealed the 18th amendment in 1933; allowed the sale, transportation, and production of alcohol

What was the 21st Amendment?


Relief, recovery, and reform
Made in response to the Great Depression
Increased power of federal government

What was FDR's New Deal?


time of economic prosperity in US, US isolated itself from international politics, American youth vs older Americans

What were the Roaring Twenties/New Era?