Spanish-American War
Progressive Era

Definition of Imperialism.

What is a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force?


The main country the war focused on.

What is Cuba?


Name of the person who was the first president of the Progressive Era.

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?
This is a bitter crystalline compound present in cinchona bark, used as a tonic and formerly as an antimalarial drug. This led to a new wave of imperialism.

What is Quinine?


Name of the female monarch, who reigned over Hawaii before it was annexed by the United States.

Who is Queen Liliuokalani?


The name of the agreement between the Republican and Democratic parties that stated that the United States would not acquire Cuba after the end of the Spanish-American War.

What is the Teller Amendment?


A Muckraker, who wrote about the poor conditions of the meat-packing industry. His book was called The Jungle.

Who is Upton Sinclair?


The name of the author, who wrote The Jungle Book and a poem called "White Man's Burden."

Who is Rudyard Kipling?


A sugar plantation owner in Hawaii, who did not want to pay tariffs. Therefore, he launched a coup on Hawaii's monarchy and became the temporary governor. Afterwards, he quickly applied for annexation.

Who is Sanford Dole?

The country the first major battle of the Spanish-American War was fought.

What is the Philippines?


A Muckraker who wrote about the corruption of John D. Rockefeller and the oil industry, which caused Rockefeller to become a philanthropist.

Who is Ida Tarbell?


Name of the political organizer for the Republican party in the Election of 1896. He was responsible for prioritizing business in the party platform.

Who is Mark Hanna?


A historian who proclaimed that the frontier no longer existed in the United States after reviewing the Census Report of 1890.

Who is Frederick Jackson Turner?


The three countries that were acquired by the United States as a result of the Treaty of Paris of 1898.

What is Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines?


A Muckraker who wrote about the state of the cities and political bossism. He wrote a book called The Shame of the Cities.

Who is Lincoln Steffens?


The name of the acquisition of Alaska after the U.S. bought it from Russia in 1867 for around $7 million dollars.

What is Seward's Folly?


The author and general who wrote the Influence of Sea Power Upon History in 1890, which discussed the power of the British empire and its navy.

Who is Alfred Thayer Mahan?


The names of the two publishers of the popular New York newspapers during the Spanish-American War. This was referred to as the yellow press.

William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer


The characteristics of the Progressives.

Middle-class, Educated, Awareness, Conservative Reformers


Name of the title of Theodore Roosevelt right before and during the Battle of Manila Bay.

What is Assistant Secretary of the Navy?