Eldest son of King Edward III; played crucial role in English victory at Battle of Crecy; captured French King John II at Battle of Poitiers; Prince of Aquitaine; married Joan of Kent, father of Richard II

Edward the Black Prince of Wales


Series of agreements between Scotland and France against England -- made during King David II of Scotland's rule. Would be used periodically through Scottish history 

The Auld Alliance


National hero of France; convinced Charles VII of France to let her lead relief effort at the English siege of Orleans. Captured by English, French abandoned her and put on trial and burned at the stake

Joan of Arc


Married to King Henry VI; ruled through him (queen consort); Lancastrian; Restored Henry VI after second Battle of St. Albans, lost at Battle of Towton; exiled 

Margaret of Anjou


1349 issue by Edward III - set out to control wages, restrict movement of workers, and prevent workers from demanding higher pay after shortage from Black Plague. Prevented landlords for offering higher pay and appointed commissioners of the peace. 

The Statues of Laborers

King Phillip declared area of Gascony (important to English wool trade) forfeit because Edward did not uphold his oath of fealty-Edward presses claims for French land; 1337-1360; Dominated by English victories, French troops sent to Gascony; Edward launches three front attack and using trebuchet (slash/burn) 

English Longbowmen help aid in victory; Parliament leverages need for money with getting more power; oh and the plague is happening too

1st Phases of the 100 years war

Group of Anglo-Normans /English who over time because Gaelicized in Ireland; Especially applies to Ulster Lords, who caused trouble for English governance of which they were originally the representatives of

Gaelicized English 


Leader of the Peasants' Revolt of 1381, protesting poll tax, restrictions after Black Death, and bad landlords, including the church. Led a march from Kent and Essex to London; burned down John of Gaunt's house; insulted King Richard II and killed by on of his retainers

Watt Tyler


King during highest point of English success in Hundred Years' War; Won Battle of Agincourt and signed the Treaty of Troyes, which recognized him as heir to French throne and disinherit the French Dauphin; married French Catherine of Valois 

Henry V


How could this have happened? Miasma Theory (bad air?) Divine punishment? Fog? Jewish people? Conjunction of saturn/jupiter/mars? Air poisoned by noxious gases from Earthquakes/volcanoes? Many the Flagellant movement will help...

Explanations for the Plague


1380-1413- Internal political turmoil for both kingdoms

-Peasant's Revolt/French Revolt

-Richard II is 15 and Charles is 14- uncles ruling over them; Richard abdicates in 1399- Henry IV (Bolingbroke) takes over; Parliament able to chip away at feudal privileges

Third Phase of the Hundred Years' War


Concerns over this group who took taxes and food from Ireland without putting it back into Irish economy and never showing up to their estate-- Edward III revoked their lands, led to Parliament at Kilkenny 

Absentee Landlords

Helped Edward IV take English throne during the Wars of the Roses, fell out with him later, defected to Lancastrian cause and killed in battle by Edward IV's forces

Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, Kingmaker


Queen to Edward II; sought to end Despenser's favoritism; made son Edward of Wales swear fealty to France to secure peace agreement and raised him in France, away from the English court and Edward II. Political/Romantic alliance with Mortimer. Betrothed son to Phillipa of Hainault to finance military force against husband and rules through son Edward III

Isabella of France 


Cold and wet weather led to poor harvest, which ruined crops and stored grains and diseased livestock. Led to a massive population decline, raised grain prices, and social unrest in England in early 1300s

The Great Famine


Made Henry V heir to French throne; huge embarrassment for French; Henry V married Catherine of Valois; Expanded English territory 

Treaty of Troyes


Forbidding Irish customs, use of English Law over Brehon Law, banned intermarriage, must speak English -- Irish Lords went against this. Customs continued despite these rules-- Irish resistance

Statutes of Kilkenny


Radical preacher in during the Peasants' Revolt of 1381; Critisized the social hierarchy and inequalities of feudalism, advocated for a more egalitarian society 

John Ball 


Appointed Protector of the Realm under disabled Henry Vi; attempted reform, but anger over Lancastrians forces led to beginning of Wars of the Roses; won at Battle of St. Albans, challenged Henry VI's rule to throne. Killed in Battle of Wakefield and son Edward IV became King of England

Richard Duke of York


Aka ergotism- condition caused by consuming grains (rye) with fungus, which produces toxic spores. Gives victim intense burning sensation, seizures, and mental disturbance. St. Anthony monks treated sufferers

St. Anthony's Fire

Strategy during 100 years war seeking to disrupt the enemy's economic base, demoralize the population and provoke French into open battle. Targeted resources like crops, livestock, villages, and towns-- looting and pillaging; used by Edward the Black Prince, made him super hated in France

Military raids "chevauchees" (Che-voo-shay)


Members of the FitzGerald Family, the Anglo-Norman lords of Kildare and Desmond-English loyalty fluctuated, promoted Gaelic culture

Gerald FitzGeralds (8th and 9th Earls of Kildare) was Lord Deputy of Ireland



Youngest brother of Henry V; helped to expand English territory in France after Henry V's death. Battle of Verneuil defeated the French and solidified control over Northern France; regent of France for Henry VI

John Duke of Bedford


Married 'up' to Edward IV in love match, strong Yorkist, brothers involved in rebellions against Lancastrian forces. Supported son Edward V in challenges to his throne by Richard III

Elizabeth Woodville


Old term used to describe diseases in livestock which was prevalent in 1300s from cold and wet weather
