Epithelial Tissue
Connective Tissue
Muscle/Nervous Tissue
Grab Bag
Type of tissue that has one layer of flattened cells.
What is simple squamous
What are connective tissues composed primarily of?
What is the Matrix
The two muscle fibers found in muscle tissue are called?
What are actin and myosin.
Where are the cutaneous membranes found?
What is the skin.
What type of neuroglia fights bacteria?
What is microglia
What type of tissue is found in the trachea?
What is Pseudostratified ciliated columnar
What is the major cell type in the loose and dense connective tissues?
What is a fibroblast
The major cell of the nervous tissue is called?
What is the neuron.
Name toe two major types of glands and an example of each.
What is exocrine and endocrine. Exocrine: sweat, mammary, or pancreas. Endocrine: Pituitary or Thyroid
What is the major difference between non-keratinized and keratinized squamous epithelial?
What is non-keratinized is much softer than keratinized epithelial.
Name and explain the two types of layers for epithelial tissue.
What is Basal and Apical layers. Basal layer is the bottom layer and Apical layer is the top, mature layer. You always look at the apical layer when determining the cell type.
What is the main determinant of connective tissue properties?
What is the characteristic of the matrix
What is one major difference between smooth muscle and skeletal muscle?
What is the skeletal muscle has striations and is voluntary
What type of membrane would you find lining your stomuch? Explain.
What is Mucous Membranes because the mucous protects the inner lining from digestive juices and infection.
What specific type of tissue would you find connecting the ribs to your sternum?
What is Hyaline cartilage
Name three functions of Epithelial tissue.
What is to prevent drying out, secretes mucus, and absorbs molecules.
Name the three types of fibers found in the matrix and describe their functions.
What is collagen, elastic, and reticular fibers. Collagen is for flexibility and strength, elastic is stronger than collagen, and reticular fibers are for support in the tissue.
Compare and contrast all three types of muscles.
What is smooth - non-striated, spindle shaped, involuntary. Skeletal - striated and cylindrical, voluntary. Cardiac - Striated and branched, involuntary
Compare and contrast parietal and visceral membranes.
They are both serous membranes. Parietal lines the cavities while the visceral lines the organs in that cavity.
Compare and contrast the appearance of all three types of muscle cells.
Smooth - non-striated, spindle shaped. Skeletal - striated, cylindrical shaped Cardiac - striated, cylindrical, and branched
What is a goblet cell and where would you probably find them?
What is a mucus secreting cell that you find in the digestive tract.
Name the 4 types of connective tissue and give a location for each major type.
What is Fibrous - Loose/Dense CT found beneath the skin, around the heart. Cartilage - nose, ear, ends of bones. Bone - Skeleton. Blood - Blood vessels
Name the three major components of the neuron and explain what their functions are.
What is dendtrites - to receive impulses, cell body - contains the nucleus, axon - conducts nerve impulses.
Compare and contrast the three types of junctions and where would you find each one.
Tight junction: impermeable layer, stomach or bladder. Gap junction: two adjacent membranes join, smooth muscle or heart. Adhesion Junction: plasma membranes do not touch but they are strong to withstand stretching. (heart or cervix).
Define homeostasis and give examples of negative and positive feedback mechanisms.
What is maintaining an internal environment. Negative - stimulus is the body temp drops, control center sends out hormones to contract muscle cells, response is the body temp increases, hormones are shut off. Positive - nursing, blood clotting, etc.