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Map Stuff
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Since historians ask questions and find information, they're often compared to this job.

What are detectives?


If something connects to the issue or idea, it can be described as this.

What is relevant?


This part of the map shows the cardinal directions - North, South, East and West.

What is the compass rose?


A movie from 2004 about World War I, which started in 1914, would be this kind of source.

What is secondary?

If a king ruled meanly and harshly, eventually causing the people to rebel and kick him out, the resulting rebellion would be the __________ of his leadership.

What is the effect?


Any written work or object that provides info is called one of these.

What is a source?

This is something that proves the truth - often used in court, but also by historians and others when discovering facts.

What is evidence?


Since this part of the map "unlocks" the meaning of certain symbols, it is called this.

What is the map key?


An artifact, such as a coin from 1822 dug up from the earth, is this kind of source.

What is primary?


A newspaper article from Boston in 1773 about British taxes would be an example of a _____________ source.

What is primary?


A change made my a cause is this.

What is an effect?


This source type is firsthand evidence from the event, person, or time-period in history.

What is a primary source?


On the world map, this ocean is East of North America.

What is the Atlantic?


Any source that's credible is going to support their views and information with this, so that they can prove they're correct.

What is evidence?


"The Revolutionary War started in 1775" is proven info, or one of these.

What is a fact?


Grouping like things together is putting them in these.

What are categories?


This is any visual/written work by people who were NOT at the event, with the person, or time period in history.

What is a secondary source?


On the world map, this continent is the most southern.

What is Antarctica?


"The British are terrible - they need to leave.  They are awful rulers because they can't rule."  This is an example of a belief, or one of these.

What is an opinion?


When analyzing sources, this is just one question one might ask.

Who made it?  What's its purpose/for whom? Topic? When? How? Primary or secondary?


The event or person that makes something happen is called this.

What is the cause?

An unreasoned judgement, often made with emotional language, is this.

What is bias?


This part of the map helps the reader know how far away different points are, often in miles or kilometers.

What is the scale bar / ruler / measuring thingy?

"The British are poor rulers because we do not get to vote on the things they tax us for." This is an example of proven info, or one of these.

What are facts?


Supporting with evidence, finding the same info in other sources, using objective instead of emotional words - these are things that help one's _______________.

What is credibility?