Northwest (OR, WA, ID, MT, AK)
Southwest (AZ,NM)
Great Basin and Rockies (UT, NV, CO, WY)

This July 2021 fire became the state's largest on record single source wildfire at over 963 thousand acres and was ignited by after a tree fell across powerlines.  It was the 1st fire known to have burned across the Sierra Nevada crest and destroyed the communities of Greenville, Canyondam, and Warner Valley. 

What is the Dixie fire.


For two days and nights (Aug 20 and 21) this series of wildfires raged across Montana, Idaho, and Washington during a drought ridden year.  It torched over 3 millions acres.  An estimated 86 people lost their lives, most were FS firefighters.  This fire affected fire fighting policy and forest management . 

The Great Fire of 1910 / the Big Burn of 1910. 


Typically from June thru September this season is marked by substantial rain and even flooding events.  Storms typically setup along the Mogollon Rim and move downslope across the lower desert. 

What is a monsoon


In August 1937 on the Shoshone NF, the Blackwater fire became one of the nation's deadliest after 15 FS, Bureau of Public Roads, and CCC employees were killed.  A 71 foot memorial was dedicated in 1939 to those firefighters.  What does CCC stand for and what was its purpose?

Civilian Conservation Corps (the tree Army was a popular nickname of the time)

Created in 1933, as part of Pres. Franklin D Roosevelt's plan during the Great Depression to create jobs and a source of income.  CCC did everything from constructing sewers to wildlife management and fighting fires. It was hard work for little pay.


In 2023, a string of wildfires fueled by strong winds devastated this island and claimed over 100 lives.

What are the wildfires on Maui.


This weather event occurs when air from a region of high pressure over the dry, desert region of the southwestern U.S. flows westward towards low pressure located off the California coast.  Creating red flag conditions and potential for catastrophic fire activity.

What are the Santa Ana winds.

This state has been the only one to consistently utilize armed guards and dogs to protect fire camps and incident command posts from these animals. 

Name the state and animal.




The fire behavior indicator system Look Up, Look Down, Look Around was developed in response to this tragic fire from June 25, 1990.  This fire began from a dry lightning storm under the Mogollon Rim following a severe 3 year drought and record breaking temperatures.  Six members of the Perryville Fire Crew died on the fireline, while 5 more sustained injuries.

Dude fire (Mogollon Rim country, Payson Ranger District, Tonto NF, AZ)


This fire began as a low priority on July 2, 1994.  It was staffed on July 5th via ground and aerial firefighters; on July 6th a dry cold front producing strong winds moved in and spot fires ignited, drastically altering conditions for those on scene.  Fourteen firefighters were overrun by fire and perished.  

South Canyon fire (Storm King Mountain, Glenwood Springs, CO).

2024 is the 30th anniversary of this fatality fire. Honor the 14 smokejumpers, helitack, and Prineville Hotshots who perished: Kathi Beck, Tami Bickett, Scott Blecha, Levi Brinkley, Robert Browning, Doug Dunbar, Terri Hagen, Bonnie Holtby, Rob Johnson, Jon Kelso, Don Mackey, Roger Roth, Jim Thrash, and Richard Tyler. 


In early 2024, this fire became the largest in Texas history and coupled with other fires in the area, the second largest and most destructive in US history.

Smokehouse Creek fire and Texas wildfires of February 2024.


On November 1, 1966, the El Cariso Hotshots, were working in steep terrain on this fire on the Angeles National Forest. An unanticipated upslope wind came up in the afternoon and a spot fire was fanned while the crew constructed line downhill into a chimney canyon.  This fire claimed 12 members of the El Cariso Hotshots. 

What is the Loop fire. 


This fire reported July 9, 2001 was caused by an unattended campfire and claimed four firefighter lives when their escape route was cutoff out of a narrow canyon.  One firefighter (Rebecca Welch) shared her fire shelter with two civilians; all three survived.  Criminal charges were brought against the IC in 2006 for manslaughter and making false statements; he pleaded guilty in 2008 to misdemeanor charges and was sentenced to work release and 3 yrs of probation.  Each of the 10 Standard FF Orders were violated during this incident.

Thirtymile fire (Okanogan NF, Winthrop and Twisp, WA).

Tom Craven, Devin Weaver, Jessica Johnson, and Karen Fitzpatrick perished on the rocky scree they had deployed due to asphyxia. 


In 2011, this wildfire became Arizona's largest fire in history at over 530 thousand acres and was accidentally started by two men camping.  The men cooperated with prosecutors and plead guilty; resulting in an order to pay restitution of $3.7 million to the victims who lost their homes.  

Wallow fire (Bear Wallow Wilderness, Alpine, AZ)


This historic fire siege began in June and continued into September burning 36% of this park and affecting MT, ID, and WY.  9 fires were human starts and 42 were caused by lightning.

Prior policy stated until July 15 to let natural caused fires burn and after July 15 new natural fires would be suppressed.

the Yellowstone Fire of 1988. 


This term means warm temperatures, very low humidities, and stronger winds are expected to combine to produce an increased risk of fire danger.  It is issued by the National Weather Service.

Red Flag Warning


On July 25, 2008, Andy Palmer lost his life on his first fire assignment. This incident was the catalyst for the design of the Dutch Creek Protocols; which are known and in use today as the...

The 9 Line and currently the 8 line Medical Incident Report.


This fire began on July 17, 2022 due to an abandoned campfire burning next to the Salmon River and eventually consumed over 130 thousand acres.  This became a fatality fire July 22 after a helicopter crashed near the Salmon River while performing bucket work; both pilots perished.  A third firefighter died in Sept following a medical emergency.

Moose fire (Salmon-Challis NF, Salmon, ID)


This blaze began June 28, 2013 and on June 30th claimed 19 of the 20 members on this hotshot crew.  Contributing factors to the tragedy were extreme and sudden shifts in weather patterns, terrain, limited SA, radio communication problems, and the escape route being cutoff.

Name the fire and crew. 

Yarnell Hill fire (BLM lands near Yarnell, AZ)

Granite Mountain Hotshots. 


In July 2008, the Martin fire (Paradise Valley, NV) burned more than 439,000 acres, making it NV's largest recorded fire, consumed mostly grazing land and sagebrush ecosystem.  What invasive species dominates & disrupts the native ecosystem, is highly flammable, and is hard to eradicate?  

Cheatgrass.  Bromus tectorum, known as downy brome, drooping brome or cheatgrass, is a winter annual grass native to Europe, southwestern Asia, and northern Africa, but has become invasive in many other areas 

Because it emerges early in the spring, it “cheats” other vegetation by being the first to germinate in the spring, crowding out native grasses and usurping available moisture. And because it dies off in early summer its thick mats of dry vegetation are potent tinder for wildfires


Aircraft accidents, Vehicle accidents, Heart Attacks, and Burnovers account for the majority of what from 1990 to 2006 (about 89%, 275 out of 310).  

Fatalities on fires. 

The other causes are falling trees/snags/rocks, other medicals, and misc. 


This fire destroyed an entire community and killed at least 85 people in November 2018.  Responders were called in after the blaze was contained to assist with what activity?

Name the fire and what unusual activity responders were tasked with.

What is the Camp fire. 

What was body and bone search & recovery to help identify persons. 


This fire staffed with 15 smokejumpers on the afternoon of Aug 5, 1949 in Montana, claimed 13 firefighter lives.  Studies estimated the fire to have covered 3000 acres in 10 minutes during the blow-up stage; an hour and 45 minutes of firefighters being on scene.  Following this tragedy, 10 _ and 18 _ were incorporated & made mandatory in firefighter training programs. 

Mann Gulch fire (Gates of the Mountain Wilderness, Helena NF, Helena MT)

10 Standard Firefighting Orders and 18 Watch Out Situations


Prescribed burns triggered NM's largest wildfire in history at more than 340,000 acres and destroyed at least 160 homes and over 900 structures. Name the wildfires 

Hermits Peak/Calf Canyon fires merged (Sante Fe NF)


The Brian Head fire (Dixie NF, Cedar City, UT) began in June 2017 by a homeowner burning slash piles, to create defensible space; it escaped via underground duff as he was keeping other flanks in check with water. Explain what duff is.     

Duff is a layer of partly decayed organic material that accumulates on the forest floor. It lies above the surface mineral layer and below the litter layer (L or Oi horizon). 

The duff layer is made up of compacted dead plant materials such as leaves, bark, needles, and twigs. Ground fires are sustained by glowing combustion (without flames) and can go undetected for a long time because they produce little to no smoke and spread slowly.  


16 tragedy fires that occurred between 1937 and 1956 were reviewed by a task force to create these 10...

What are Standard Firefighting Orders