The Hippin 60's
The psychedelic 70's
Divine Principles
History of the Church
Your Kids Generation
Gregory Peck won an Academy Award for his role in this timeless classic
What is to Kill A Mocking Bird
Dont mean to be square but this puzzle game involved matching different colors together
What is a Rubik's Cube
This is the study of the last days
What is Eschatology
This year included the famous Yankee Stadium and Washington Monument Tours
When was 1976
This person lived in a pineapple under the sea
Who is Sponge Bob Square Pants
This cartoon series featured a family from a future generation
Who are the Jetsons
There is no ping about this game that was the precursor to modern gaming.
What is Pong
There is no freedom outside the principle, there is no freedom without responsibility and this are the examples of freedom according to the principle.
What is there is no freedom without accomplishment
Easter morning of this year, Sun Myung moon met Jesus on a mountain top.
When is 1935
Who sings this song?
Who is One Direction
Though there were no trees directly involved, this concert became the symbol of the Hippie Generation
What is Woodstock
It wouldn't be hard to "visualize " this idealistic hit of world unity.
What is Imagine
Christ at the second Advent brings the new truth with which it fulfill the promises of the Old and New Testaments is called this.
What is the completed testament
In this year Father declared that the era of the Unification Church had ended and inaugurated a new organization: the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
When is 1994
This symbol is used in social media to reference a certain theme.
What is the hash tag symbol. #Historicheroes #whatsacomputer?
Before becoming International Superstars or appearing on the Ed Sullivan show they released this first recorded Single.
What is "Love Me Do"
This scary movie had patrons vomiting and fainting in the aisles
What is the Excorcist
A third sign of the renewal of this is the restoration of true human value.
What is renewal of the first blessing
This person was a leading theologian of the Unification Church and is the first missionary to the United States
Who is Young Oon Kim
This youtube video has the most views of all time
What is Gangnam Style
This man gave a talk that became an infamously known as the coffee cup speech
Who is Ronald Reagen
This is where the Vietnam Peace Agreement of 1973 signed
Where is Paris?
Returning from Babylonian Exile, the Israelites established this by repenting of their past sin of idolatry, rebuilding the temple, and reforming their faith based on the Mosaic Law.
What is the foundation of faith
Founded in 1976 this media corporation ownsThe World and I, Tiempos del Mundo (Latin America), The Segye Ilbo (South Korea), The Sekai Nippo (Japan), the Zambezi Times (South Africa), The Middle East Times (Egypt).
What is News World Communications
In 2013 this simple game involving a bird at one point had so many downloads that the owner decided to take it off the app market.
What is Flappy Bird