Medical Services in Preindustrial America
Medical Services in Postindustrial America
Medical Services in the Corporate Era and Healthcare reform
Medicare and Medicaid
HealthCare Professionals

From colonial times until the late 1800s, healthcare had to be purchased using personal funds.

What is a free market?


This organization has historically played a critical role in galvanizing the medical profession and protecting the interests of physicians.

What is the American Medical Association?


This term refers to major changes through government policy to expand health insurance.

What is health care reform?


This part of Medicare was designed to use Social Security funds to finance hospital insurance and short-term nursing home coverage after a hospital discharge.

What is Part A of Medicare?


This group constitutes the largest group of health care professionals.

What are nurses?

This occupation, known for grooming and cutting hair, also functioned as surgeons in the 1800's.

What are barbers?


In 1847, a Hungarian physician practicing in a hospital implemented the policy of hand washing. 

Who is Ignaz Semmelweis?


This term refers to the health care information and services offered over the Internet by professionals and nonprofessionals alike.

What is E-health?


Within 3 years, this program that gave federal grants to states so that they could extend health services under welfare programs was declared ineffective because many states did not implement it. 

What is the Medical Assistance Act?


This specialty has served a significant role in urban hospitals in Canada and the Untied Kingdom, and is organized around the site of care.

What is Hospitalists?


Medical training was largely received with a practicing physician rather than a university.

What is individual apprenticeship?


Medical education became a graduate training program requiring a college degree in this university. 

What is John Hopkins University?


This term came to the forefront in the 1990s with technological advances in the distant transmission of image data.

What is telemedicine? 


Medicaid became a program that confined eligibility to people below a predetermined income level. 

What is a means-tested program?


This term refers to the education and counseling role of a pharmacist.

 What is pharmaceutical care?


The forerunner of today's hospitals and nursing homes in the Untied States.

What is an almshouse?


In 1947, Harry Truman became the first president to make a direct appeal for this program.

What is the national healthcare program?


These two entities have corporatized the delivery of health care in the United States.

What are emergent managed care organizations (MCOs) and integrated delivery systems (IDSs)?


This administration, now called the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, was created to manage Medicare and Medicaid separately from the Social Security Administration in 1977.

What is the Health Care Financing Administration?


This type of medicine is practiced by DOs and emphasizes the musculoskeletal system and preventative treatments.

What is Osteopathic medicine?


This doctor invented a tranquilizer chair and a spinning gyrator for psychiatric patients that induced vertigo, perspiration, and nausea. 

Who is Dr. Benjamin Rush?

This stigmatized term is synonymous with any large-scale government-sponsored expansion of health insurance.

What is socialized medicine?

In 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against a controversial ACA requirement that forced certain employers to provide contraceptives that might be deemed to induce abortions in this Supreme Court Case.

What is Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.?


Medicare was expanded in 1973 to cover these two categories of people.

What is nonelderly disabled people receiving social security for at least two years and people with end stage renal disease?


These six major functional groups divide the most common medical specialties.

What are the subspecialties of internal medicine, broad group of medical specialties, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery of all types, hospital based radiology anesthesiology and pathology and psychiatry?