Introduction to Citizenship
Influential People & Historical Documents
Declaration of Independence
Establishing U.S Government
Origins and Purposes of Government

14th amendment states “All persons ____ or ____ in the United States… are citizens of the United States“

What are "born" and "naturalized"?


Big idea of the mayflower compact

What is self-government?


The 3 unalienable rights

What is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?


The idea that no one is above the law

What is the rule of law?


The first 3 words of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution

What is "We the People"?


A requirement to become a naturalized citizen

What is to be 18 years or older, 5 or more years living in the United States (as a lawful permanent resident), ability to read, write, and speak English, good behavior (no criminal record), or demonstrate knowledge of U.S. History and Civics?


Idea that people give over some of their power to the government in order to protect their rights

What is the social contract?


The colonists reaction to the Tea Act

What is the Boston Tea Party?


System of government found in the Articles of Confederation

What is "confederal"?


The compromise between the Federalists’ and Anti-Federalists’ views of government

What is to ratify the Constitution in exchange for a Bill of Rights?


A person born in Puerto Rico, or other U.S. territories

What is a "natural born citizen"?


Creator of the concepts of separation of power and checks & balances

Who is Montesquieu?


The next 6 words after “we hold these truths to be self-evident”

What is "that all men are created equal"?


Event that led to scrapping the Articles of Confederation in favor of a constitution

What is Shay’s Rebellion?


Form of government found the United States today

What is a representative democracy or republic?


An obligation of a citizen

What is to obey laws, pay taxes, defend the nation (register for selective service), or jury duty?


The 1215 document that limited the powers of the king

What is the Magna Carta?


An act by King George III that angered the colonists

What is the Stamp act, Declaratory act, Townshend act, Quartering act, Intolerable acts, Tea act?


System of government were all or most power is consolidated in a central government, like a king

What is unitary?


A goal listed in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution

What is in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity?


A responsibility of being a citizen

What is attending civic meetings, running for office, petitioning government, volunteering, voting?


The propaganda pamphlet that advocates for independence from King George III

What is Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”?


One of the colonists complaints found in the Declaration of Independence

What is imposing taxes without the consent of the people, suspending trial by jury, limiting judicial powers, quartering soldiers, dissolving legislatures?


A weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

What is no power to tax, unanimous consent to make laws, no ability to enforce laws, no executive branch, no judicial system, no ability to regulate trade?


The first political party in the United States, which believed in a stronger central government

Who are the Federalists?