Canadian History
U.S. History
Modern History

The name of the Canadian National Anthem... It's often sung at hockey games

What is "O Canada"?


The number of states in today's United States

What is "50"?


The story of humanity

What is "History"?


THIS empire was founded in 27 BC and fell apart in 1453 AD.  It had capitals in both Rome and Constantinople.  At one point, it covered nearly 1.7 million square miles of Planet Earth!

What is the "Roman Empire"?


THIS world body was founded in 1945.  One of its main purposes is to promote friendly and peaceful relations among the nations of the world.  Today, it consists of 193 countries and is headquartered in New York City.

What is the "United Nations"?


Canada's National Sport

What is "Ice Hockey"? 


This state, located in the western region of the US, is our largest state by population.  The most prominent cities in this state are Los Angeles & San Francisco...



The names of our last 3 presidents of the United States (including the current president)...

Who is Joe Biden (2021 - present), Donald Trump (2017 - 2021) and Barack Obama (2009 - 2017)?


This empire was composed of the dominions, colonies, protectorates and other territories ruled or administered by the United Kingdom.  By 1925 it covered 13,500,000 square miles.  It was said that "the sun never set on this empire!"

What is the British Empire?


The name of ONE prime minister of either Canada or England (CURRENT or FORMER).

Who is Justin Trudeau (CANADA)?  Who is Boris Johnson (ENGLAND)?    "Winston Churchill" (Eng)?    "John A. MacDonald" (Can)?    "Wilfrid Laurier" (Can)?   "John Major" (Eng)?    "Margaret Thatcher" (Eng)? etc. etc. etc....


The head of the U.S. government is the president.  The head of the Canada's government is this

What is "Prime Minister"?  (The current prime minister of Canada is Justin Trudeau)


Names of TWO American presidents who were assassinated...

Who is "John F. Kennedy,"  "Abraham Lincoln,"  "William McKinley,"  and "James Garfield" ????  


THIS American statesman, conservationist, naturalist and 26th president of the United States, was also an historian who wrote "The Naval War of 1812" and "The Winning of the West." His initials are T.R.

Who is Theodore Roosevelt Jr.?


THIS empire was centered along the Nile River in Africa.  Among its great achievements were the creation of the pyramids of Giza.

What is the Egyptian Empire?  or "Ancient Egypt"?


THIS world sporting tournament took place in Tokyo between July 23rd and August 8th 2021, after being delayed one year due to the COVID pandemic.

What is the Olympics?


The name of one of the provinces of Canada

What is "Nova Scotia"?  "New Brunswick"?  "Prince Edward Island"?   "Newfoundland and Labrador"?  "Quebec"?  "Ontario"?  "Saskatchewan"?  "Manitoba"?  "Alberta"?  "British Columbia"?


THIS "Purchase" was made with the French during Thomas Jefferson's presidency (1801-1809).  It doubled the size of the United States.

What is "the Louisiana Purchase"?


THIS prime minister of England during WWII, was also the historian who wrote "The History of the English-Speaking Peoples"

Who is "Winston Churchill"?


In an effort to conquer and colonize the new world, these two nations tried to carve up South America for themselves.  In South America, Brazil speaks one nation's language, while the rest of South America speaks the other nation's language.

What are Spain and Portugal?  (Brazil speaks Portuguese, while the rest of South America speaks Spanish)


The 20th century (1900-1999) is called THIS, to explain the dominance that the United States has had on the world scene.

What is "The American Century"?


The current prime minister of either Canada or England.

Who is Justin Trudeau (2015-   ) (CANADA)?  Who is Rishi Sunak (2022-  ) (ENGLAND)?


The purchase of THIS vast area from Russia, in 1867, was called "Seward's Folly," because it was thought foolish to spend so much money ($7 million) on such a cold & remote land.

What is "Alaska"?


THIS Roman emperor was killed by one of his best friends, Brutus, in the Senate of Rome on March 15th.  "Beware the Ides of March!".  His initials are J.C.

Who is "Julius Caesar"?


According to tradition, on April 21, 753 BC, twin brothers Romulus & Remus founded THIS empire...

What is "Rome"?


In its December 31, 1999 issue, TIME magazine recognized THIS famous scientist/physicist as its PERSON OF THE CENTURY.  He formulated the Theory of Relativity...

Who is "Albert Einstein"?