New England

This colony was founded to provide religious freedom for the Quakers. Due to their acceptance of various religious groups including Jews, Catholics and Protestants, this colony thrived and achieved great success.



What happened to relations between the colonists and local Native American tribes in Massachusetts after the deaths of Massasoit and William Bradford?

They turned bad and led to King Philip's War.


Who was Oladuah Equiano and what impact did he have on people’s understanding of slavery?

Equiano was a former enslaved person who recorded his story which highlighted the horrors of slavery and his experience of the Middle Passage. Much of what we know about the Middle Passage came from him.


Why did slavery expand in the Southern colonies?

Following Bacon’s Rebellion, Southern Colonies feared that indentured servants and poor farmers would rebel against them. Enslaved people provided a cheap form of labor, which never ended.


Describe the economy of the New England colonial region.  How did they adapt their economy to the geographical features in their region? What was their land and climate like?  What did they do for a living as a result of the land and climate type?

The New England Region had natural ports and harbors, which helped them to ship materials to Europe and other colonies. They had a large lumber source, which helped them with shipbuilding. Their soil was rocky, so they farmed only enough crops to feed themselves (subsistence farming). They had a short growing season with mild summers, and long winters.     


How did William Penn obtain the land that would become Pennsylvania?

King Charles II was a friend of William Penn’s. The King owed a large debt to Penn’s Father. Penn asked for the payment in the form of a new colony in the Americas for the Quakers. The king saw this as a way to eliminate a large debt and be rid of the unpopular Quakers


Why did the Jamestown settlement struggle to succeed?

The Jamestown settlement struggled to succeed because of their poor location, poor relationships with the Natives and their failure to farm crops.


What was the Religious Toleration Act of 1649 and why was it passed?

The Religious Toleration Act of 1649 was passed so that all Christians had religious freedom and were welcomed and eased tensions between Catholics and Protestants.


Who led the rebellion?

Nathaniel Bacon 


Describe the economy of the Middle colonial region.  How did they adapt their economy to the geographical features in their region? What was their land and climate like?  What did they do for a living as a result of the land and climate type?

In the Middle Colonies, they had a moderate climate, with warm summers, cold winters and a moderate growing season. They grew staple crops such as: Oats, wheat, and barley. They had natural ports and harbors with access to trade routes.


This is the colony in New England that was founded by the Puritans?  This New England colony was founded by the Pilgrims.

Puritans- Massachusetts Bay Colony

Pilgrims- Plymouth Colony 


Why was the Mayflower Compact so important?

The Mayflower Compact was so important because it allowed self-government in English Colonies.


What two reasons was the Colony of Georgia founded for?

1. Utopia for debtors from England, who would have a second chance

2.  The colony would act as a defensive boundary from Spanish 


Describe the Headright System.  Be sure to indicate where this system was put into place.

The Headright System was founded in Virginia and attempted to encourage people to move to the colony. Colonists could receive 50 acres for each person that they paid for to come over to the colony. Rich colonists benefited from this system.


Describe the economy of the Southern colonial region.  How did they adapt their economy to the geographical features in their region? What was their land and climate like?  What did they do for a living as a result of the land and climate type?

The Southern Colonies had a vast, flat land, and a long growing season with fertile soil. This allowed them to have large plantations that required a lot of workers. They grew cash crops such as tobacco, cotton, rice and indigo.


Why were The Fundamental Orders written by Thomas Hooker in Connecticut so important?


The Fundamental Orders Expanded Voting rights and allowed male non-church members the right to vote


What was the relationship between the church and the government in Massachusetts?

There was no separation between the Church and the state in Massachusetts. In order to vote or serve in government, you had to be a church member. 


Describe the Headright System.  Be sure to indicate where this system was put into place.

The Headright System was founded in Virginia and attempted to encourage people to move to the colony. Colonists could receive 50 acres for each person that they paid for to come over to the colony. Rich colonists benefited from this system.


Did it fail or succeed? 

It failed


 What was triangular trade?

The Triangular Trade consisted of trade between the continents of Africa, Europe, and the Americas. The Americas would ship out raw materials to Europe and import manufactured goods from Europe. Enslaved people were transported through the Middle Passed from Africa to the Americas


Define staple crops and provide some examples of staple crops and where you would find them in the colonies.

Staple crops are crops that are needed all year round such as: wheat, barely, and oats.


Why did indentured servants move to the middle colonies instead of going to the New England or Southern colonies?

Indentured Servants went to the Middle Colonies instead of New England or the South because Most New England colonies did not welcome different religions, enslaved people filled most of the labor needs, and there were more opportunities for skilled workers (craftsmen) in the Middle Colonies.


Define Cash Crops, provide examples and where you would be likely to find them.

Cash crops are crops that are grown and sold for profit (money). Some examples are: Indigo, Rice, Tobacco and cotton


Describe the impact of Bacon’s Rebellion, regarding the use of indentured servants and slaves.  

Due to Bacon’s Rebellion, Plantation owners did not want to use Indentured Servants, because they feared an uprising. They turned to enslaved labor to supply their workforce. 


Describe the Middle Passage.

The Middle Passage was the horrific journey enslaved people took from Africa to the Americas. It lasted 3 months and the people endured many hardships and cruelty.