Ancient Greece/Ancient Asia
Vikings/Exploration/Pre-Columbian America
Colonial America/The U.S. Constitution
History of U.S. Education/WWI through Great Depression

The Greek city state which had the chief goal of having a strong army, and boys left home at the age of 7 to be trained, boys were taught music so they could sing battle songs and it was ruled by two kings and senators.

What is Sparta?


This group of people came from what is today Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.

What is the Vikings?


This famous colonial person was a printer, inventor, was one of the most important people during the war of Independance and created the first public libraries, fire departments, and the postal service.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


Who created the first dictionary?

Who is Noah Webster?

The President of the United States when the Great Depression started.

Who is President Hoover?


European explorers set out looking for pepper, sugar, cinnamon and other spices trying to find a shorter way to get to this ancient country.

What is India?


An Explorer from Italy of the late Middle Ages who connected the Silk Road and China to Europe and wrote a book about his travels.

Who is Marco Polo?


This explorer had a boat named the Hopewell. He led several expeditions trying to find a Northwest route to India. His last expedition ended in his sailors forming a mutiny and put him in a small boat with his son and a few men in a bay and left him. No one knows what happened to him but there is a bay, a strait, and a river named after him.

Who is Henry Hudson?


When Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated as the heir to the throne, this sparked the start of _______________.

What is World War I?


When the United States was suffering during the Great Depression, Franklin Delano Roosevelt proposed this solution and was the reason he was the next president.

What is The New Deal?


Confucianism and Taoism are two main religions of. (which country)

What is China?

This Famous Explorer sailed for the king and queen of Spain, looking for a shorter way to get to India by sailing to the west. He was given three ships and only criminals as a crew.

Who is Christopher Columbus?


The three branches of government.

What is legislative, Judicial, and Executive?


The ___________ Telegram was intercepted by the British and proposed that Mexico should form an alliance with Germany. Germany wanted Mexico to attack and take over Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico.

What is Zimmerman?

The name of the first settlement in the New World.

What is Jamestown?


A Famous Greek ruler who reigned over one of the largest empires in history and was personally taught by Aristotle.

Who is Alexander the Great?


Hernan Cortez, which is Conquistadors conquered this major Central American empire.

What is the Mayan?


In colonial times, it was believed that these things caused sickness.

What is witchcraft, bad blood, night air, and evil spirits?


This man was a school teacher in one -oom school room houses and created readers for school children.

Who is William McGuffey?


The Viking who discovered Greenland.

Who is Erik the Red?


Chinese history is divided into certain time periods which are periods of time when the main body of China was governed by a ruling class of people.

What is Dynasties?


This group of people lived in the mountains of Central America and had a network of messagers called "chasquis."

What is the Inca?


An agreement that was made on the Mayflower for self-government in America. It declared that the colonists were loyal to the King of England, that they served God, and that they would each follow just laws and work for the good of the colony.

What is The Mayflower Compact?


In this era, Henry Ford produced a lot of affordable cars, dancing was the main entertainment, it became popular for women to wear short dress and to cut their hair short. It was at the end of this era that the stock market crashed, causing the Great Depression.

What is the Roaring 20s?


This man was made King of England but was also the Duke of Normandy at the same time.

Who is William the Conqueror?