battle geography
the First Bank
American Revolution

which act had people throwing tea in the ocean 

Tea Act


Where did it take place

North America, the Caribbean, and the Atlantic Ocean


What was the significance of the First Bank of the United States?

It helped fund the public debt left from the American Revolution,


who caused the boston tea party

The Boston Tea Party was caused by American colonists who were protesting British policies. In December 1773, they boarded three ships carrying tea owned by the British East India Company and dumped over 300 chests of tea into Boston Harbor.


 when did the Stamp Act happen 

On March 22, 1765, the British Parliament passed the “Stamp Act”


How did geography impact the battles of the Civil War?

Geology influenced the fighting on all levels: Robert E. Lee used mountain ranges to shield his army during his invasions of the North, and individual members of the Stonewall Brigade threw stones to defend Stony Ridge during the Second Battle of Manassas.


What happened to the 1st Bank of the United States?

died in 1811.


Why did Reconstruction governments increase taxes after the Civil War

To pay for the cost of rebuilding the South


What battles were important to geography?

Trenton, Saratoga, and Yorktown


Did George Washington make the first bank?

 President Washington signed the Bank of the United States into law on February 25, 1791.


What did the Sugar Act of 1764 do?

 cut the duty on foreign molasses from 6 to 3 pence per gallon, retained a high duty on foreign refined sugar, and prohibited the importation of all foreign rum.


What was the purpose of the bank and why it was important?

 to take in funds—called deposits—from those with money, pool them, and lend them to those who need funds


what were the three major taxes:

Sugar Act (1764), the Currency Act (1764), the Quartering Act (1765),


 was the First Bank of the U.S. controversial?

Not everyone agreed with Hamilton's plan. Thomas Jefferson was afraid that a national bank would create a financial monopoly that might undermine state banks and adopt policies that favored financiers and merchants, who tended to be creditors, over plantation owners and family farmers, who tended to be debtors.