What is a polis?
Greek word for city-state.
Who is Aeneas
Great Trojan hero who fled Troy for Italy in a journey told in VirgilĀ“ s Aeneid
What is the black death?
Deadly plague that killed millions of Europeans form 1347 and 1351.
a large arc of rich farmland extending from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea.
what is an oasis?
What is Democracy?
type of govĀ“mt in which people rule themselves
Who are Romulus and Remus
Legendary twin brothers who are said to have founded Rome
What is a heresy?
religious ideas that oppose accepted church teachings.
What is silt?
a mix of rich soil and small rocks
what is a caravan?
a group of traders that travel together
Who is Socrates?
the first of the great Greek thinkers and teachers.
What is a republic?
Government in which people elect leaders to govern leaders to govern them
What is the Reconquista?
Christian efforts to retake Spain from the Muslim Moors.
What is a surplus?
more of something than needed.
what is the Qur'an?
the holy book of Islam
What are Pericles?
Athenian leader who ruled at the height of Athenian democracy.
Who was Cincinnatus
Famous dictator who defeated a powerful enemy and then resigned his powers
What is the Spanish Inquisition?
organization of priests charged with seeking out and punishing non-Christians.
What is Division of Labor?
an arrangement in which people specialize in specific tasks
Who is Muhammad?
an Arabian man whose teachings became the basis fo a new religion.
Who is Homer?
author of two great epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey
What is a patrician?
powerful nobles of Rome.
What is the Hundred Years' War?
long conflict between England and France during the 1300s and 1400s.
What is irrigation?
a way of supplying water to an area of land
what is jihad?
it literally means "to make an effort" or "to struggle"