ancient civilization
american history
World wars
Revolutionary movements
Famous leaders

This ancient civilization is known for its pyramids and pharaohs, located along the Nile River.

What is ancient Egypt 


This document, signed in 1776, declared the thirteen American colonies independent from British rule.

What is Declaration of Independence 


This global conflict, lasting from 1914 to 1918, is known as the “Great War.”

What is world war 1


This revolution, which began in 1789, aimed to overthrow the monarchy in France and led to the establishment of a republic.

What is the French Revolution 


This Indian leader is known for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance and played a key role in India’s struggle for independence.

Who is Mahatma Gandhi


This civilization, known for its philosophical contributions, flourished in the region of the Aegean Sea and is famous for its city-states like Athens and Sparta.

What is Ancient Greece 


This event in 1861 marked the beginning of a conflict between the Northern and Southern states in the U.S.

What is the civil war


This military alliance, formed in 1949, includes countries such as the U.S., Canada, and several Western European nations.

What is NATO


This movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries sought to end British rule in India, led by figures like Mahatma Gandhi.

What is the Indian Independence Movement


This British prime minister famously declared, “We shall fight on the beaches,” during World War II.

Who is Winston Churchill 


*Daily double*This ancient civilization is credited with creating one of the earliest known writing systems, cuneiform, and developed in the region of Mesopotamia.

What is Sumer


This U.S. president delivered the Gettysburg Address during the Civil War, emphasizing equality and national unity.

Who is Abraham Lincoln 


This battle in 1942 marked a significant turning point in the Pacific Theater of World War II, leading to the U.S. victory over Japan.

What is the battle of midway


This 1959 revolution in Cuba led to the rise of Fidel Castro and the establishment of a communist government.

What is the Cuban revolution 


This South African leader was imprisoned for 27 years and became the country’s first black president, leading the fight against apartheid.

Who is Nelson Mandela 


This empire, which stretched from the British Isles to North Africa and the Middle East, was the largest empire in history at its peak.

What is Roman Empire 


This landmark Supreme Court case in 1954 declared that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional.

What is brown v. Board of education 


This event, occurring on December 7, 1941, led the United States to enter World War II.

What is the attack on Pearl Harbor 


This 1989 event in Tiananmen Square in China involved pro-democracy protests that were met with a violent military crackdown.

What is the Tiananmen Square Massacre


This American president is known for the New Deal and leading the country through the Great Depression and World War II.

Who is Franklin D Roosevelt 


Known for the construction of the Great Wall, this dynasty unified China and established the foundation for future imperial rule.

What is the Qin Dynasty 


This 1964 legislation aimed to eliminate barriers to voting for African Americans and ended discriminatory practices in voter registration.

What is the voting rights act


This treaty, signed in 1919, officially ended World War I and imposed heavy reparations on Germany.

What is the Treaty of Versailles


This movement in the 1960s aimed to address civil rights issues in the United States, advocating for social justice and equality for African Americans.

What is the civil rights movement


This leader of the Bolshevik Party played a key role in the Russian Revolution and later became the first head of the Soviet state.

Who is Vladimir Lenin