A person who worked to expose corruption and abuses in politics and society.
What is Muckraker?
This act was used to gain 160 acres of land.
What is the Homestead Act?
Cuba Gains independence 1998
What is the spanish american war
These women were non-Traditional with short hair, smoked and wore dresses
What is Flappers?
This region of US had strong wind gusts and dust
What is The Dust Bowl?
This Tatic was used to draw readers and listeners in.
What is Yellow- journalism?
This act makes it illegal for bussnies to get to powerful.
What is the Sherman antitrust act?
This term is used as America's idea of peace
What is Isolationism?
The book that was made and was made into a movie
What is the Great Gastby
This event is know as Black Tuesday
What is Stock market crash
This Group was a group that disliked everyone that wasn't white, christan and didn't look like them
Who is the Ku Klux Klan?
This fire caused the death of 146 garment workers.
What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire?
This Navy Captain wrote a book about naval power.
Who is Alfred Thayer Mahan?
This president stated the term," Return to Normalcy."
Who is Harding?
This Government Program was intended to provide relief, reform ,and recovery.
What is The New Deal?
This Association was founded by William Edward Burghardt(W.E.B) Du Bois.
WHat is the NAACP?
This labor union accepted anyone inculding immigrants, African American, women and low skilled workers.
What is the Knights of Labor?
This Queen was the ruler of Hawaii
This Scandal was caused by one of hardins cabinet members and drilled into private oil reserves.
What is the Teapot scandal?
Insures deposit accounts at member banks up to $250,000 per account.
What is The Fedarl Deposit Insurance Corporation?
This form of government is based off France and is about the people.
What is Laissez-Faire?
This Term for the movemnet of people.
What is the Urbanization.
This Treaty was sigined in 1898 where, cuba was liberated, U.S gained Cuba, Guam, Phillippines and Puerto Rico.
What is the Treaty of Paris?
These raids were caused by the Red Scare.
What is the Palmer Raids?
The main cause of the Dust bowl which the framers caused.