What was the extinction of the dinosaurs?
A meteorite
Who was the leader in world war 2?
Adolf Hitler
Lady KIller
Ted bundy
the King of pop
Michael Jackson
We started to celebrate
How long ago did the dinosaurs went extinct?
65 million years ago
What was the important day in war on the beach and its nick name was?
D day I think
A famous fast food place was made in this decade?
They made electronics ( Name 2)
camera phones, USB flash drives, Bluetooth, iPods, the video gaming revolution, LinkedIn, and more
A virtual reality head set
An Oculus
A big wooly creature that was mainly found in Icey areas.
Wooly Mammoth
A technique the Japan's used in war
the kamikaze
A famous actor and singer.
Elvis Presley
they created this famous software
A Famous gaming software
Nintendo switch
The King of the ocean?
What were the Names of the Germans in the war? ( if lui gets this question he can ask for someone to say it)
They made more of this in this decade ( You can use it to move around in)
Auto Mobiles ( Ill take also cars)
Created a gaming software motion detection
The Wii
A famous software that was used because tictok got banned.
Instagram ( Ig)
A big cat with big teeth.
Saber tooth tiger.
When was the American Evolution?
Its a typing device
Type Writer
Another famous software ( Face)
A famous streaming website/App