The city whose language became the language of France.
Created Braille.
Who is Louis Braille?
The average rolls length.
what is 40 FT?
"Braille was the Gutenburg of the blind" CHAPTER
What is Chapter 66?
The sacred language of 400 million Muslim people.
what is Arabic?
The institutions that continued the use of latin
what are universities and churches?
The person who created ITALIC.
Who is Aldus Manutius?
The guy who stuck a knife in his own eye.
Who is Louis Braille.
Chapter 66
Institut d' Egypte president and vice president.
Vice: Who is Napoleon? (100 points)
President: Who is Gaspard Monge? (100 points)
The amount of dialects existing at the end of middle age.
What is 3,000?
The guy that made the English to French dictionary.
who is William Caxton?
The Dialect Martin Luther translated the Bible to
What is high german dialect?
"I want a poor student to have the same means of indulging his learned curiosity."
What the Institut d' Egypte was.
What is the local version of European academics?
The Romance Languages.
BONUS: Their boundaries.
French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese
BONUS: what is English channel to the mediterranean/ or Rhine, alps, and the Adriatic sea to the atlantic
The two deaf friends.
Who are Joachim Du Bellay, and Pierre de Ronsard?
The "language of God"
What is Classical Arabic?
"What a sad want I am in of libraries, of books to gather facts from!"
Who is Thomas Carlyle?
Messenger from Hungary that helped create first Turkish printing press.
Who is Ibrahim Muteferrika?
The Germanic Languages.
BONUS: their boundaries.
Icelandic, english, dutch-flemish, german, danish, swedish, and norwegian.
BONUS: north and east of atlantic to the baltic/ or rhine and alps towards the north sea
Philosopher who helped arrange libraries.
Who is Leibniz?
What are writing materials? for every writing material the team lists you will get 100 points. 9 options NO BOOK OR NOTES.
what are tablets of clay, bamboo, waste silk, birch bark, palm leaves, goat bone, leather, copper, papyrus.
"Composing letters and words in matrixes so that they can be imprinted on sheets for reproducing in multiple copies."
Who is Ibrahim Muteferrika?
what is "La ilah illa allah; Muhammad rasul allah"?