First Rulers
Name that Country
Name that War
Name that Election (U.S.)
Name that Election or Referendum (not U.S.)

This man was born in Georgia, his brother was killed for being a communist, he was exiled to Siberia for the same reason, after his exile he went to Western Europe, he was the leader of the Bolshevik Party, and would go on to be the Soviet Union's first Dictator

Who was Vladimir Lenin?


This South American country fought great Britain in the Falklands war, it's capital is Buenos Aires.

What is Argentina?


This war was caused when the south seceded from the United States.

What is the American Civil War?


This election between George Bush and Al Gore ended up coming down to a Supreme Court ruling regarding "hanging chads" in Florida.

What is the U.S. presidential election of 2000?


52% of the people who turned out in the United Kingdom voted for this to happen in a heavily controversial 2016 referendum.

What is U.K. independence from E.U.?

(Also accept: "What is Brexit?" or logical equivalents)


This man's family fled Japanese occupation of Korea. This man mastered Chinese, and became a guerrilla fighter against Japanese occupation. He fought in the Soviet army against Hitler's forces in World War two. Two decades later he returned to North Korea and became the first premier of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or the first leader of North Korea.

Who was Kim Il Sung?


This Asian country was the site of a long civil war between the capitalist south and the communist north in which the United States helped the south. The north won because Americ left the war, and the north had access to the Ho Chi Minh trail.

What is Vietnam?


In this war, the battle of the Somme and Gallipoli were fought.

What is World War 1 (logical equivalents also accepted)?


This election was tied between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, the house of representatives chose Thomas Jefferson to be the president.

What is the U.S. presidential election of 1800?


In 2014 North Korea allegedly had 100% approval of Kim Jong Un as their leader. This percentage of people turned out to vote according to North Korean media.

What is 100?



This man was the first Earl of Orford and a whig in the house of commons in great Britain, he advocating for setting a ceiling on the south sea bubble, but did not have the necessary votes to achieve this. When the bubble popped he gained access to a ledger showing every buying and selling of shares in the company and used this to destroy all of his opponents careers by exposing their corruption (while hiding his) He used this political boost to elevate himself to become the first Prime Minister of Great Britain.

Who was Robert Walpole?


This European country was used by Germany to get around Frances border defenses in World war 1 and 2.

What is Belgium?


General MacArthur was a general in this war, when surrender of the final opposing nation occurred, he stood next to the emperor from said nation and had a photo taken and printed in many of said nations newspaper, to illustrate that he was taller than the emperor.

What is World War 2?


Woodrow Wilson won this election due to the right of center vote being split between William Howard Taft of the Republican Party, and Theodore Roosevelt of the Bull Moose party.

What is the U.S. presidential Election of 1912?


93% of those who turned out voted this way in a 2017 Iraqi-Kurdistani referendum, where voting pro meant voting for an independent Kurdistan, and voting Con meant voting against an independent Kurdistan

What is Pro


This man was the last head of state of Prussia, helped win the Seven Weeks War against Austria, manipulated the translation of the Ems telegram to get France to declare war on Persia (this war is known as the Franco-Prussian or Franco-German war), This man's general defeated Louis Napoleon's second Empire of France with Austrian aide. This caused French influence to be removed from Germany and caused Austria to willingly unify under Prussian rule. This man, nicknamed the Iron chancellor, opposed to democracy, was the first chancellor of Germany.

Who was Otto Von Bismarck?



This island country won sovereignty from the People's Republic of China in 1912. While it is a separate government it is still widely considered China because of the one China policy.

What is the Republic of China?

(Also accepted: "What is Taiwan?")


Nuclear weapons were almost used by the United States in this war to end Chinese involvement, because they were not, a ceasefire was called in this war in 1953. The war was officially ended in 2018.

What is the Korean War?


In this election, the United States Republican Party won their first president.

What is The United States presidential election of 1860


In 2012, this man was elected president of Mexico

Who is Enrique Peña Nieto?


This man was the chief and warlord of the Onondaga tribe. He fought many battles, and had the other Onondaga people do the same. He supposedly was a cruel ruler of the Onondaga people. He refused to join the Haudenosaunee (or Iroquois) confederacy because of its belief in peace, until he was offered to have the Onandaga people have the most representatives, and that he could be the first leader of the Haudenosaunee council.

Who was Tadodaho?


This African country bordering the Atlantic ocean was one of the only two to never have been colonized.

What is Liberia?


In this war, a country declared war on it's national bird... and lost.

The emu war.

The second united states presidential election to go to the house of representatives.

What is the U.S. Presidential election of 1824


In a 2015 election Justin Trudeau became prime minister when the party which he was the head of gained control of the government. His party gained this percentage of the popular vote when rounded to the nearest multiple of ten.

What is 40%